Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/37

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Szss. I. Ch. 19. 1884. 9 For expenses of the Board of Visitors, including mileage, three thou- B¤¤rd¤fViSit<>r¤· sand dollars. For miscellaneous and contingent expenses: For gas-coal, oil, can- C¤¤¤i¤g¤¤t cxdles, lanterns, matches, and wicking for lighting the Academy, chapel, P°““°“· library, cadet barracks, messhall, shops, hospital, offices, stable and ridinghall, and sidewalks and wharves, three thousand five hundred dollars; water-pipes, plumbing, and repairs, one thousand five hundred dollars; cleaning public buildings (not quarters), five hundred dollars; brooms, brushes, pails, tubs, soap, and clothes, two hundred dollars; chalk, crayon, sponge, slate, and rubbers for recitation-rooms, three hundred dollars; compensation of chapel organist, two hundred dollars; compensation of librarian, one hundred and twenty dollars; pay of engineer of heating and ventilating apparatus for the academic building, the cadet barracks, and office building, chapel, and philosophical building, including the library, one thousand two hundred dollars; pay of assistant engineer of same, one thousand dollars; pay of live firemen, two thousand seven hundred dollars; in all, eleven thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. For pay of librarian’s assistant, one thousand dollars. _Lib¤‘¤¤‘i¤·¤’¤ rw For increase and expense of library, namely: For periodicals, binding, “"L?,’;"· new books, and scientific, historical, biographical, and general litem- nm ture, one thousand dollars. Eor additional tables and chairs, and repairing same, two hundred Tables, chairs. dollars.` " For furniture for cadet hospital, and repmrs of the same, one hun- Furniture, cadet dred dollars. V b<>¤vi¤¤- For purchase of bedding and necessary articles for the use of candi- Bedding. dates previous to their admission into the Academy, five hundred dol- ]i\l‘8. _ p _ _ Contingencies d For contingencies for superintendent of the Academy, one thousand fm; superintendollars. ·» O °¤ · For renewing furniture in sectionrooms, five hundred dollars. Furniture. For buildings and grounds: For repairing roads and paths, five hun- Buildings an d dred dollars. · · z¤>¤¤d¤· For continuing breast-height wall south toward guard-house ive hun· Breasbheight dred dollars."'°u· For completing new twelve-inch water·main to sally-port of cadet Waterquuin. barracks, two thousand dollars. ‘ · ‘ Nw h . t For completion of new hospital for cadets, five thousand dollars. Gump1m,;),: BQ °1’ For reflooring academic building, including fencing Academy, two 1;,,,,,,,,,;,,,, m_ thousand five hundred and eighty dollars. ’ For reilooring cadet barracks and piazza, two thousand four hundred and twenty dollars. For new skylights for drawing academy, three hundred and fifty Skylights. dollars. ‘ For water- works: Renewal of material in filter-beds; improving ven- w,,,,.,"-k,_ tilation of filter-house and water-house; hose for use in cleaning filter- ‘ beds and water-house, and for use in nre-service at same; tools, implements, and materials for use of the two keepers and for repairs of siphonhouse, filter-house, and of four and one-half miles of supplypipes; for shed for tools, and storage of fuel for keeper at Bound Pond, and for tool-house at tilter; ior gauges at Round Pond and Delaiield Pond, and stairs for access to same, five hundred and twenty dollars. " For additional bath-tubs, and repairs to bath-tubs, in cadet barracks, g;,;;,.,,,;,, two thousand dollars. For cadet laundry: One number four washer, connections, and tix- Laundry. tures, three hundred and sixty dollars, to be immediately available For cadet mess: One bake-oven in cadet mess, that is, for brick, cdc: mm. tire brick, cement, mortar, grates, doors, and labor, the same to be built by sk zlled labor, and to replace old oven long in use, six hundred and fifty dollars, the same to be immediately available. Approved, March 31, 1884.