Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/371

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 319. 1885. 343 ment and the right of purchase shall be heard and determined, upon their priorities and equities, by the like officers and in the same manner as like contests are heard and determined under existing pre-emption laws: Provided also, That the State of Oregon shall be entitled to select Provincfrom the public lands of the United States in said State lands in lieu of $*;**5 °f ONE the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections contained in said Umatilla Res- {T gubm 1;°,,‘£ ervation as now set apart and established: Provided further, That the in exchange. ’ water right across a portion of said reservation from the town of Pendle- Pwvicm _ ton granted by the Interior Department July seventh, eighteen hundred w;’f1°';, T K1? and seventy on the application of George A. La Dow, Lot Livermore {Q7? °,,,, #,],,,,,,1 and other citizens of Pendleton for manufacturing, irrigating and other tinuhd. purposes be confirmed and continued to W. S. Byers and Company - their successors: Provided, That this act shall in no way impair or adect Pfvviwany existing right to a reasonable use of the water of said stream for agricultural purposes, nor shall confirm or grant any right to use the water thereof in any manner nor to any extent beyond or different from that to which it has been heretofore appropriated. ‘ , Sec. 3. That the funds arising from the sale of said reservation lands, Fnnds to be doafter paying the expenses of survey, appraisement, and sale, and reim- gm? bursing any Indian or Indians for the value of any improvements Tra.',:,, °°° belonging to such Indian or Indians, and the equitable share of any ' Indian to the funds arisingfrom the sale of said reservation landsasherein provided, and reimbursing the United States for improvements made by the Government and under the provisions herein, shall be placed in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of said Indians, and the same shall draw such rate of interest as is now or may he hereafter provided by law. Twenty per centum of the principal of said funds may TW¤:Lfd\>¤1‘¤¤¤*~ be used, under the direction of the President, in assisting said Indians $8 to establish themselves upon their several allotments, in such manner mm of 1,,,;,,,,, as he shall direct, and twenty thousand dollars of the residue thereof and @0,000 for inshall be devoted to the establishment and support of anindustrial farm ****5*:*1 fem ¤¤d and school for the training and education of the children of said Indians '°h°° ‘ in the. arts and methods of life, and the increase from the funds thereafter to be devoted to the support of said industrial farm and school, and to such other beneficial purposes as in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior may be for the best interest of said Indians: Provided, That the said Indians shall pledge themselves to compel P¤3•¢••· their children, male and female, between the ages of seven and fifteen P:m YGBIS, to ilttBDd SBI!} school. . slid] gg_ sc oo ‘ Sm. 4. That for the purpose of carrying into efect the provisions of AP!¤¤P¥i•*i¤¤ thisactthe sumot thirty thousanddollars, orsomuch thereofssmay °°* be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury ‘ not otherwise appropriated, which said sum shall be reimbursed to the Treasury out of the sales of said lands; and ten thousand dollars of said sum so appro riated shall be expended toward establishing said industrial farm and) school. herein provided for. Sm. 5. That before this act shall be executed in any part, the con- Qonncnt of innsent of said Indians shall be obtained to the disposition of their lands 0,**, .I'*'l'*"", asprovided herein, which consent shall be expressed in writing and ° signed by a majority of the male adults upon said reservation, and by a majority of their chiefs in council assembled for that purpose, and shall be filed with the Secretary of the Interior. ‘ Sec. 6. That the Secretary of the Interior shall have power to make Secretary or Inneedihl rules and regulations to carry into efect the provisions of this *6* W ¤ • ¥¤ act, and shall have power to determine all disputes and uestions aris- mfmam ing between Indians respecting their allotments, and ix the com- mm, ,,4 jx peusation to be allowed to the commisionersprovinledfor in sectiontwo. compensation o t Appmveu, umn ss, mss. _ °°¤¤'“"°¤”*