Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/397

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FOB'1‘Y—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. OH. 341. 1885. 369 KLAMATHS AND MODOCS. Klaniaths and Modocs. For nineteenth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair one saw- Repair or sawmill, one ilouring-mill, buildings for the blacksmith, carpenter, wagon '“‘“· °*°· and plow-maker, the manual-labor school, and hospital, as per fourth article of treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- Vo1.16,p.10s. four, one thousand dollars; For last of twenty instalments, for the purchase of tools and material 'Ijools a n d mefor saw and ilour mills, carpenter, blacksmith, wagon and plow maker *°"*1· shops, and books and stationery for the mannallabor school, per same Vol. 16, p. 709. article of same treaty, one thousand five hundred dollars; For last of twenty instalments, to pay salary and subsistence of one _Sgalary of phy- physician, one miller, and two school teachers, as per fifth article of °’°l°¤» °*°· same treaty, three thousand six hundred dollars; in all, six thousand one hundred dollars. MLIAMIES OF KANSAS. Miamies of Kan- 888. For permanent provision for blacksmith and assistant, and iron and Blnckmithptc. steel for shop, per fifth article of treaty of October sixth, eighteen hun- Vol. 7,p. 191. dred and eighteen, and fourth article of treaty of June fifth, eighteen vo1.10,p. 1095. hundred and fifty-four, four hundred and eleven dollars and thrty-three cents; For permanent provision for miller, in lien of gunsmith, per same Miner. articles and treaties, and per fifth article of treaty of October twenty~ vc1.1,p. 191. third, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, two hundred and sixty-two v,,;_1,,,_454_ dollars and sixty-two cents; For interest on twenty-one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four Interest. dollars and eighty-one cents, at live per centum, for educational purposes, per third article of treaty of June ilfth, eighteen hundred and Vol-10.n-1094- tlfty-iour, one thousand and ninety-four dollars and twenty-four cents; in all, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight dollars and twenty- - nine cents. murmns or mr. mvmz. _Mi¤mi¤¤ of Eel ‘ River. For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per fourth article of lfqmouont ontreaty of August third, seventeen hundred and ninety-tive, five hun- ”“£{’,',; 5, ami scum, ·*’· · For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per articles ·=¤ treaty Vo1.7,p.91. of August twenty-tirst, eighteen hundred and five, two hundred and tl dollarsn1¥or permainent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per third and separate Vol- 7. r- 114- articles of treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and nine, three hundred and fifty dollars; in all, one thousand one hundred dollars. IOLELS. Molole For pay of teachersand for manual-labor schools, and for all neces- B¤ll¤¢l¤· sary materials therefor, and for the subsistence of the pupils, per second article of treaty of December twenty-iirst, eighteen hundred and fifty- Vol- 12.p-981- five, three thousand dollars. NEZ PEROEB. Nos Pcrces. For salaries of two matrons, to take charge of the boudingschools, Schools. two assistant teachers, one farmer one carpenter, and two millers, per fifth article of treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, Vo1.14,p-650 three thousand tlve hundred dollars. sonrnmns ennrmmss Asn snnmon . Norttnorénflrgsi For seventh of ten instalments, to be expended by the Secretary of hwthe Interior, for each Indian engaged in agicultnreain the urchase of Agriculture. such articles as from time to time the condition an necessities of the xxru--24