Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/420

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392 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Ssss. H. Ch. 343. 1885. twenty dollars; four laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one telegraph operator, nine hundred dollars; one chief engineer, one thousand seven hundred dollars; two assistant engineers, one thousand two hundred dollars each; two conductors of the elevator, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; one laborer, eight hundred and twenty dollars; five firemen, at nine hundred dollars each; one electrician, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; one laborer, eight hundred dollars; services in cleaning Statuary Hall and watching statuary therein, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, ninety-one thousand four hundred and forty-four dollars. Extra cierksetc. For the following additional employees in the Clerk’s office, who are to be paid from and including March fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six: Three clerks to index private claims, at one thousand six hundred dollars each per annum; one messenger-boy in chief clerk’s room, at three hundred dollars per annum; and two laborers in the Clerk’s_documentroom, at nine hundred dollars per annum each; in all, nine thousand one hundred and sixty-one dollars and sixty-fivecents. C1¤¤'k¤ *11*1 ¤¤€¤· CLEBKS AND KESSENGERS T0"c0MmTTEES.—For clerk to the Com-

·$°""° °°"’”“*’_mittee on Ways and Means, two thousand five hundred dollars; assist-

` ant clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand dollars; clerk to the Committee on Appropriations, three thousand dollars; assistant clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand dollars: clerk to the Committee on the Judiciary, clerk to the Committee on Agriculture, clerk to the Committee on Claims, clerk to the Committee on Public Lands, clerk to the Committee on War Claims, clerk to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, clerk to .the Committee dn Foreign Aifairs, clerk to the_Committee on the District of Columbia, clerk to the Committee on Indian Aifairs, clerk to the Committee on Commerce, clerk to the Committee on Naval Aiiairs, clerk to the Committee ou Rivers and Harbors, and clerk to the Committee on Military Aifairs, at two thousand dollar$ach; assistant clerk to the Committee on War Claims, one thousand six hundred dollars; in all, thirtyseven thousand nine hundred dollars. ` For thirty-one clerks to committees, at six dollars each per day during the session, thirty-nine thousand four hundred and thirty-two dol- To pay the six committee clerks now employed by resolution of the House the same compensation and for the same period as is provided for the payment of session clerks employed by the House, one thousand and eighty dollars, to be immediately available. S c rgcnut-at Uumcn or Snuenmr-Ar-Anus.-For Sergeantat·Arms of the House

  • "”» °P“*Y· °*°- of Representatives, four thousand dollars; for one horse and wagon tor

his use, five hundred dollars; one deputy to the Sergeant·at-Ai ms, two thousand dollars; one cashier, three thousand dollars; one paying-teller, two thousand dollars; one bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; one page, at sixty dollars per month; and one laborer, at six hundred and sixty dol- _ lars; in all, hfteen thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. _ D°°¥k°°P*Y» ¤¤— Orman of DOOBKEEPER.—··Fol' Doorkeeper, three thousand dollars; "'““‘“·°*°* and for hire of horses, five hundred dollars; assistant doorkeeper, two thousand dollars; second assistant doorkeeper (George A. Bacon), to be employed in the d0cument·room, two thousand dollars; clerk for Doorkeeper, one thousand two hundred dollars; janitor, one thousand two hundred dollars; superintendent of the folding-room, two thousand dollars; three clerks in the folding-room, one at onethousaud eight hundred dollars and two at one thousand two hundred dollars each; superintendent of the documeutroom, two thousand dollars; chief assistant in the document-room, at two thousand dollars; document file-clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant document tileclerk, under resolution of December nineteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, one thousand three hundred and fourteen dollars: fourteen