Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/439

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FORTY -EIGH'1‘H CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 343. 1885. 41 1 one; one clerk at one thousand dollars; one copyist; one messenger; Chief clerk, and one assistant messenger; in all thirteen thousand two hundred and °1°’k“» °*°· sixty dollars, lx mm Srmux. O1¤mcE,—Two clerks of class four; three clerks of §_ig¤¤10¤i¤<>- class one; one clerk at one thousand dollars; one messenger; one as- °1°’f“· “‘°““”‘ sismnt messenger; one messenger, at four hundred and eighty dollars; g°”’ ° °' and one laborer, at four hundred and twenty dollars; in all, ten thousand six hundred and sixty dollars, And for the services of scientiiic experts, clerks, draughtsmen copyists, messengers, mechanics, laborers, and such other services as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, in the Olnce of the Chief Signal Ollleer, to carry into effect the appropriations for observation and report of storms, and for the construction, maintenance, and repairs of military telegraph lines, forty thousand dollars; Provided, That the Secretary of War shall each year, in annual Proviao. estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed, and the amount Said to each, G Om f IN rms muon on mm Qnsnmnumsrnn- ENFBAL,4 -0ne chief <=¤ ¤ clerk, at two thousand dollars; nine clerks of class four; eleven clerks  :';L of class three; twenty-three clerks of class two; forty clerks of class ,,1,,],,, ,,m_ ’ one; ten clerks at one thousand dollars each ; fifteen eepyists, at nine hundred dollars each ; one female messenger, at forty dollars per month; four messengers ; six assistant messengers; superintendent of building, two hundred and fifty dollars; two laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; one laborer, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; two charwomen, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; one engineer, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one fireman, live watclrmen; one dranghtsman, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; in ull, one hundred and fifty-six thousand seven hundred and seventy five dollars, For the following clerks and others to be employed by the- Quarter- Em clerks. master-General in theinvestigation of claims for settlement by the 186*£;’]·13»°h· Treasury Department under the act of July fourth eighteen hundred 253*1* ‘ and sixtyfour; One elerki of class tour; two clerks of class three; tour clerks of class two; eleven clerks of class one; two clerks at one thousand dollars each; eleven eopyists; three assistant messengers; one watchman; and twentyflve agents; at one thousand four hundred dollars each; in all, seventy-three thousand five hundred and eighty dollars, And hereafter vacancies occurring in the offices of clerks and others provided for in this paragraph shall not be illled, For per diem in lieu of subsistence of the agents employed while traveling on duty, at a rate to be fixed by the Secretary of War, not exceeding three dollars per day, and for actual necessary expenses for transportation, thirty thousand dollars, r In mm Orman or mm Commssnnr-GmmnsL,—One chief clerk, {Juice of Oomat two thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; three clerks of class mmfmfgé three; four clerks of class two; fourteen clerks of class one; nine with et; ’ clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one assistant messenger; two la- ’ borers; superintendent of building, two hundred and fifty dollars; and two watchmen; in all, forty-three thousand seven hundred and thirty dollars, In cum Onmcn or um Sunenor-Gnrxnnn,-One chief clerk, at cmu or sntwo thousand dollars; twenty-four clerks of class four; thirty-two 8°g;G:¤°?]· k clerks of class three; sixty-two clerks of class two; one hundred and clerk; et; °’ seventy-two clerks of class one; one hundred and nine clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one anatomist, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one engineer in division of records and museum, at one thousand four hundred dollars; one skilled mechanic, one thousand dollars; eighteen assistant messengers; one messenger-boy, at three hundred · and sixty dollars; egxt watchman; two superintendents of buildings, at two hundred and y dollars each; and fifteen laborers; in all, llve hundred and thirty-tvothousand and eighty dollars; and not less than three hundred of the clerks in the Surgeon·Gener•ln Omen shall he exclusively engaged in preparing and makingreporta toexpedive the set-