Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/445

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ou. 343. 1885. 417 tlnancial clerk, at two thousand dollars; chief of division, at two thou- IndianAl£·nirs.¢·hief sand dollars; one prinvipal bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred °1°'k· °1°’k“· "'°· dollars; tour clerks of class four; one of whom shall have charge of the educational division; ten clerks of class three; one stenographei, at one thousand six hundred dollars; sixteen clerks of class two; one of , whom shall be a draughtsman; nine clerks of class one; thirteen clerks at one thousand dollars each; fourteen copyists; one messenger; one assistant messenger; one messenger-boy, at three hundred and sixty dollars; and one laborer; in all, ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars. That a committee consisting of five members elect to the House of Rep- 9¤¤¤¤¤i¤*?¤ ¤l3- resentatives of the Fortyninth Congress to be appointed by the Speaker P°;°°g °° *%:2*; of the House of Representatives of the Forty-eighth Congress shall g 3,, xsmtigm prior to the first Monday of December next inquire into and investigate for Indians, em. the expenditure of appropriations for Indians, under treaty, for their sup— port, for their education, or otherwise. and whether any changes should be made in said appropriations or their expenditure. Said committee shall also inquire into the expenditure of public money for the Yellowstone Park and the administration of the laws applicable to said park, whether any change should be made in said laws or the boundary of . the Park and what steps if any can be taken to make of practical benefit and utility that portion of the public domain. That said committee po", of ,,0,,. shall have power to appoint sub-committees, and visit the places where mitm. appropriations mentioned herein are expended and in doing so they are authorized to use government conveyances and means of transportation. Said committee or any sub-committee thereof shall have power to send for persons and papers and to appoint a clerk and the committee may report by bill or otherwise to the Forty-ninth Congress. A sum suilleient to psy expenses of said committee hereby authorized and of witnesses that may be summoned before it, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated which shall be immediately available and payable on the draft of the chairman of said committee in sums not exceeding one thousand dollars at any one time. Pmrsrou 0FFIOB.—FOI compensation of the Commissioner of Pen· Compensation sions, five thousand dollars; ilrst deputy commissioner, three thousand °fC°¤!'¤*'*'*°¤¤¢` six hundred dollars; second deputy commissioner, three thousand six §°°:;; °c’;‘;m°;`: hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; assent- ,;,,1:,6,, on ant chief clerk, two thousand dollars; medical referee, three thousand dollars; assistant medical referee, two thousand two hundred and nity dollars; two qualihed surgeons, who shall be experts in their profession, at two thousand dollars each; eighteen medical examiners, who shall be surgeons of education, skill, and experience in their- profession, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; twelve chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each ; law clerk, two thousand dollars; forty-five principal examiners for Review Board, at two thousand dollars each · twenty-four assistant chiefs of division, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; seventy-five clerks of class four; one hundred clerks of class three; four hundred clerks of class two; four hundred clerks of class one; two hundred and twenty clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one superintendent of buildings, one thousand four hundred dollars; two engineers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one hundred and thirty copyists; twenty messengers; twenty messengerboys, at four hundred dollars each; twenty-five wutchmen; and twenty- live laborers; live charwomen, at four hundred dollars each; in all, one million mne hundred and fifty-four thousand six hundred and Efty dollars: Provided, That vacancies occurring in the clerical force of the PM¤•¤· Pension Olllce during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eightysix shall not be dlled by promotion or original appointment until a reduction of one hundred and tlfty in all is made; and thereaiter the number shall not be increased, and the number in the several grades shall memain as existing when said reduction is completed. xxm-—-27