Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/453

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. ll. Ch. 343. 1885. 425 neer, one thousand two hundred dollars; three watchmen; three dremen; tour laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; and six assistant messengers; in all, eleven thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. Orman or run Somcrroa or THE TR.EAsUnY.——For compensation Compensationof of the Solicitor of the Treasury, four thousand five hundred dollars- S°U°i*°* °f We assistant solicitor, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand E:`:“:Yg;s, x,“""" dollars; tour clerks of class four; three clerks of class three; two ’ ' clerks of class two; two clerks of class one; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, twenty-eight thousand and eighty dollars. _ For law and miscellaneous books for omce of the Solicitor of the Law and miscel- Treasury, nve hundred dollars. ¥¤¤¤>¤¤ bwks- _ For stationery for office of Solicitor of the Treasury, four hundred Stationery. dollars. For warden of the jail of the District of Columbia, one thousand Warden sr jeu · eight hundred dollars. gfxgjstrict of 0¤l— Umrnn Srnrns oomzcrs.-For the Chief Justice of the Supreme Chief Jsstiss of Court of the United States, ten thousand five hundred dollars; and ***6 $¤P*°¤¤° (90*1** for eight associate justices, ten thousand dollars each; in all, ninety $*,;*3 ““°°"‘”" thousand five hundred dollars. gm" To pay the salaries of the United States judges retired under section S¤l¤ri¤>¤ vi Uniseven hundred and fourteen of the Revised Statutes, so much as may :;Q,I§,§“*°“ -l“d€““ be necessary for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred B_ S_`,,,,_ 714 ,,_ and eighty-six, is hereby appropriated. 135.' For nine circuit judges, to reside in circuit, at six thousand dollars Circuit judges. each, fifty-four thousand dollars. For marshal of the Supreme Court of the United States, three thou- Marshal United sand dollars. gmt:: S¤1>r¤m¤ For salaries of the fifty-six district judges of the United States, two District judges. hundred and three thousand five hundred dollars. For salaries of the chief justice of the supreme court of the District Chief justice et of Columbia and the live associate judges, twenty-four thousand five S¤!1¤‘•5¤¤•= C<>¤¤¤ of testneu ns11m. g·;°g;g°* °°lP;; 'ud es. For compensation of the district attorneys of the United States, twenty J District stterthousand one hundred dollars. ¤¤Y¤- For compensation of the district marshals of the United States, twelve District nr s i- - thousand seven hundred dollars. ¤l¤¤¤· Counr or Cnxms.-For salaries of five judges of the Court of Claims, Jnages of com at four thousand five hundred dollars each; chief clerk, three thousand ¤f Claims, ehicf dollars; one assistant clerk, two thousand dollars; bailif, one thousand °1°'k• **1 °u*°”· five hundred dollars; and messenger thereof;' in all, twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. For stationery, books, fuel, labor, and other contingent and miscel- Contingent exlaneous expenses, three thousand dollars. P¢¤¤¤¤- For reporting the decisions of the court, and superiutending the print- _ Reporting desising of the twentieth volume of the Reports of the Court of Claims, to *°¤¤» ***5 be paid on the order of the court, one thousand dollars; said sum to be ¥é,§," $35*1% 3::: paid to the reporter, notwithstanding section seventeen hundred and 3gg,pj0g_' ’ sixtyfive of the Revised Statutes, or section three of the act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, chapter three hundred and twenty-eight. SECTION 2. That the pay of assistant messengers, Bremen, watchmeu, Psy or assistant and laborers provided for in this act, unless otherwise specially stated, ¤*°¤¤•¤8•¤· *h‘°· shall be as follows: For assistant messengers, llremen, and watchmen, °°' seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; for laborers, six ' hundred and sixty dollars per annum each. ` Srzoriou 3. That all acts or parts of acts inconsistent or in conilict Inconsistent or with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. ¤¤¤¤i¢£¤1¤ •¤*• Approved, March 3d, 1885. l `