Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/462

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434 FORTY-EIGHTII CONGRESS. Buss. Ll. UH. 345, 346. 1885. March 3, ISSS. CHAP. 345.-An not marking appropriations for fortiliumiuus and other works of ————;-—— iletbnse, and lor the urnnuneut thereof for the tiscal you- ending June thirtieth, eighteen hunclreel and eighty-six uml For other purposes. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United F¤¤i*i¢¤?i¤!¤¤- States of America in Congress assembled, That the sums of money herein APP'°P““’°““· provided for be, and the same are hereby, appropriated _0nt of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, namely : F'¤¤’ P1j¤*•¤*i•>¤. For the protection, preservation, and repair of fortitications and otherfa"°"§;“"°"· “d works of defense for the fiscal your ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun- °° dred and eighty-six, one hundred thousand dollars the same to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War. A;•X<>i¤¤¤¤¤* _ of And the President of the United Srates shall appoint a Board of which 2:3 the Secretary of War shall be u member and president, to be composed l,,,,,,,,,,? md ch,} of two officers of the Engineer Corps, two from the Ordnance Corps, new or defenses two officers of the line of the Navy, and two civilians, which Board shall` ¤¤¤¤i¢·!· examine and report at what ports fortiiioations or other defenses ure most urgently required, the character and. kind of defenses best adapted for each, with reference to armament, the utilization of torpedoes, mines, or other defensive appliances, and for the necessary and proper expenses of said Board and for the compensation of the two civilians at ten dollurs per day while so employed in the discharge of said duty the sum Report t 0 b 6 of forty thousand dollars to immediately availablejs hereby appro- 3,,,,,,,,, i ,,,,1 to pnsgledéélndtthe repgét of sand Board shall be transmitted to Congress on . y e re ary o ar. $*5::**¤•> ¥¤<>'· For the purchase of movable submarine torpedoes propelled and cou- ““"’ ‘°'*‘”°°°‘· trolled by power operated und transmitted from shore stations as may be recommended by the Board of Engineers of the Army of the United States, and approved by the Secretary of War, iiity thousand dollars. . Improvement, For improvements, competitive test and purchase of motors for mov· Wi- md Pllmhm able torpedoes, twenty-five thousand dollars. of {notors for tor- ( OCS. pcs u u in u r A n e For purchase of appliances for submarine mines for harbor defense- "”P°“· ten thousand dollars. ‘ Tmpeiin experi- For continuation of torpedo experiments and for practical instruc- '“T·**· . tion of engineer troops in the details of the service twenty thousand- ,n,;;$,fI}°§;‘§,‘j_I_j ‘ uoiim. Machine guns. hFor thiagirgcbase of machine guns of the latest improvement thirty t onsanr dollars. Armaments_ o f For the armament of sea-coast fortifications, including the msnnfact-- z’;:°“°* f°’*‘“°**‘ ure of heavy guns and carriages for the constructing and testing exper- " imental gun carriages; for the purchase or manufacture of a multicharge gun and testing same; for projectiles, gun-loaders, fuses, powder, and implements, their trial und prooh and all necessary expensesincident thereto, including compensation of draughtsmun on gun construction while employed in the Ordnance Bureau, four hundred and Experiments in fifty thousand dollars; and not exceeding iitteen thousand dollars. ‘ ,;,6 n,,, of dyn,. thereof may be used for the expenses of experiments in the use of dynamite, ew. mite or other high explosive projectiles. Mh 8**3 :<> And no type of gun shall be purchased until thoroughly tested mul fg_Q2d?" “ ‘ found to eontorm to the requirements of this ect Approved, March 3d, 1885. Much ;i, i3e5, CHAP. 346.-—An act to authorize mmsdilliltlional appointment on the retired-list of' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rapucntatiocc of the United' Ifrcnident of the States of Ameriea in Congress assembled, That the President of the E“=*€g° rl; United States be, und he hereby is, authorized, by und with the advicetm lm 0 f t h E mul consent of the Senate, to appoint on the of the Army · Am, W. 4;.,,,.,.;, of the United States, hom among those who havebeen Generals com--