Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/464

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436 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. (JH. 348-350. 1885. March 3, 1885. CHAP. 348.-An act toprovide for the appraisement and sale of lots in the town —=—;——· of Peru, Dubuque County, Iowa Lots in Peru, Whereas, under an act approved July second, eighteen hundred and I¤W¤· thirty-six, and an act ameudatory thereto, approved March third eight- 26;°36:m“‘L 5· "l‘· een hundred and thirty- even, entitled “An act for laying oil` the towns $$5, Q01_;,, eh_ of Fort Madison and Burlington, in the county of Des Moines, and the 36, p. 178. towns of Bellevue, Dubuque, and Peru, in the county of Dubuque! and P¤'°¤¤¤bl°· so forth, certain disposition was therein provided for the lands set oil` for such towns; and Whereas the site for the said town of Peru, in the year eighteen hundred and thrty, and the lots thus reserved, have been settled upon by bona tide settlers, who have made valuable improvements thereon: Therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and Hamm of Representation of the United besident {cap- States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the P°“** °°'““l'°°‘°“‘ United States appoint three commissioners, any two of whom shall be °" t° ?PI”`°'S°‘ a quorum to do business, who, before entering upon the discharge of P‘!°°° °f ,°°m· their duties, shall take an oath to faithfully perform the same. Said ““°°'°"°"' - commissioners shall have power, and it is hereby made their duty. to view said lots and appraise their value, not taking into consideration the improvements thereon; after which appraisement the proper regis- Sale; how um- ter and the proper receiver shall exposesaid lots to public sale to the d“°*°d- highest bidder, alter advertising the same in three public newspapers Lots, paid for or at least three months, reserving from such sale such lots as, according P°°°¤*°d¢'°°°"°d- to the records of the General Land Office, have already been paid thr Actual settlers or patented : Provided, That the actual settlers upon said lots who have ¤¤¤Y P*}c§°l¤:1¤° *** made valuable improvements thereon shall firstbe entitled to purchase “m’"‘” " "°‘ the same at their appraised value. Pay of commits- Sec. 2. That said commissioners shall each be entitled to five dollars ¤*°¤•>¤‘¤- per day for each day actually employed as provided above, to be paid by the receiver of public moneys of the proper land district. Approved, March 3d, 1885. ‘ March 3, 18%. CHAP. 349.-An act relative to the Chinese indemnity fund. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqrreaeamtivea of the United _Chi¤e¤o iu6em- Staten of America in Gongrm assembled, That the President be, and he °’m;f]fLt to com is hereby, authorized and directed to cause the residue of the indemnity Wn m,, wh, md received from China, which is now in the custody of the Seeretarrof mmm ro Chinese State and is known and designated in the accounts and reports of the Government- Department of State as the Chinese indemnity fund, to be converted into coin, and the sum of five hundred and eightythree thousand thur Balance covered hundred dollars and ninety cents be returned to the Chinese Governimc Treasury- ment, and the balance of said fund, if any, becovered into the Treasury lvgwiw, Charles of the United States: Provided, That belore the payment to China the E;£**}u:_° Secretary of State shall pay from said fund to the executors of Charles §,_ E, Hill the sum of one hundred and thirty thousand dollars, upon receipt of a release in full for all claims upon China for the use and loss of the steamer Keorgeor, in or about the year eighteen hundred and sixty-three. Approved, March 311, 1885. , March 3, 1885. CHAP. 350.-Au act. tn‘ amend nation Bfteen hundred and nity-six of the Revised —-·—-——·——~—— Statutes, gnving longevity pay to certain clcers of the Navy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Longevity hpny States of America in Congress axwmbled, That from and alter the pasggmzmh •'Y sage of this act the passed assistant engineers of the Navy shall receive during the third five years utter the date from which they take rank as