Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/480

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452 FORTY-ISIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 359. 1885. of the United States to certain lands in Pennsylvania, and for adver tisiug the sale of lands, as follows: For the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, twenty-six dollars and ninety-ive cents; for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, nineteen dollars and ninety- five cents. p,ym.,,,m,.,¤,d;t For payment to the credit of the Union Pacific Railway Company e£tneUn1o¤Paei1ie (Kansas division) for transportation furnished January tenth, eighteen R'“1“'“YC°“’P*¤5'· hundred and seventy-six, on account of the ethnological exhibit of the Smithsonian Institution at the International Exhibition, Philadelphia, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, thirty-three dollars and forty cents. Reimbursement To reimburse the keeper and assistant keeper of the Sharp’s Island to keeper and as- Light-Station, Maryland, for actual loss of personal property sustained E‘i";‘:,* im by them at the time said light-station was carried away by ice, February 4,50,,, Mm·y§,ud_ tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, two hundred dollars. That in addition to the amount received from duties on tonnage under section fifteen of the act of June twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and Unexpended bal- eighty-four, twenty-third Statutes, page fifty-seven, the nnexpended °'t{::t;{ ff_*;"u‘;°“*° balances of amounts, not exceeding one hundred and forty-two thousand

’;,,,,_ °°°' dollars, remaining in the Treasury of hospital dues collected from sea-

3, s,,¤ee, 4585,1,, men under section forty-five hundred and eighty-five, forty-five hun- 888- dred and eighty-six, and forty-tive hundred and eighty-seven of the 88%- S-·“°-‘*586»P· Revised Statutes, be, and the same are hereby, appropriated and made R°_ S_ m0_ ,,58-, P_ available to meet the expenses of the Marine Hospital Service for the ess, ’ ’ fiscal year ending, June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five. Appmpnetedfor For payment of the expenses of the committee of the National Acad-

;t’ §£x1’?;"° emy of Sciences, incurred in preparing answers to inquiries of the joint ·

°§£p,,,,,m ,,f,,,,,,,_ commission considering the Government surveys, two hundred and mittee er National thirty-nine dollars and ninety cents. A c a d e m y o f S°‘°°°°*- NATIONAL mann or rnurrn. Secretary er For salary of the Secretary of the Board from April first, eighteen B°*'d°fH°¤m¤· hundred and eighty-fonr, to March first, eighteen hundred and eighty- five, three thousand one hundred and thirty dollars. Messenger. For pay of messenger from July Erst, eighteen hundred and eighty- _ four, to March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, three hun- · dred dollars. Bentetbuildmg. For rent of building fr·om July first, eighteen hundred and eighty- four, to March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, nine hundred dollars. · COURT OF CLAIMS. ' Judgments er For payment of the judgments of the Court of Claims as follows: Com of CMMS, To the Great Falls Manufacturing Company, fifteen thousand six hun- P“7“‘°“* °f· dred and ninety-two dollars, with interest thereon at live per eentum per annum from June sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one; Sallie H. Palmer, thirty dollars- James W. Harvey and James Livesey, fortyfour thousand six hundred and sixty-eight dollars and fifty-seven cents, with interest on sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars and ninety-tive cents thereof at hve per centum per annum from November twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three; Charles Morton. one hundred and sixty-nine dollars and seven cents; William H. Emory, one hundred and eighty·dollars · James H. North, three hundred and seventyfive dollars; John M. Mueller, seven hundred and fortyeiglit dollars and tWenty-two cents; Joel F. Kinney, six thousand six hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty cents; Jeremiah Harrison and William F. Harrison, nine hundred and forty dollars; Henry G. Brookings, one thousand seven hundred and twenty-two dollars and mrmy-tive cents ; Delvaille and J oubert, four hundred and seventy- seven dollars and seventy-two cents; Levid J. Harris, executor, six thou sand six hundred and six dollars and eight cents; Aristide Delvaille,