Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/501

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. On. 359. 1885. 473 For traveling expenses of California and Nevada volunteers prior to E$p¤¤¤¤¤ Celi- July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, seventy-nine dollars and £‘L‘,‘§:t:§;gN:;) MW Gems- Julyl, wee? For pay, and so thrth, of the Army, eighteen hundred and eighty- Psy of A1‘¤¤_Yi two and prior years, five thousand eight hundred and seventy-dollars 1 8 S2 "'“ d P"'" and five cents. yea"' _ For contingencies of the Army, eighteen hundred and eighty-two C·>¤¤¤i¤¤<>¤¤¤¤=* °f and prior years, two hundred and ninety-three dollars and twenty- A""?" seven cents. _ For expenses of military convicts, eighteen hundred and eighty-two Mmm? <=¤¤*¤¤*·· and prior years, three hundred and thirty-five dollars and fifty cents. For medical and hospital department, eighteen hundred and eighty- _M¤di¤¤i•·¤d h¤¤- two and prior years, one hundred and ninety-two dollars and seventy- P‘*“1d°P“’““°“"· cents. For allowance for reduction of wages under eight-hour law, prior to AIl¤v¤¤•>¤f¢•¤'<>- July lirst, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, one hundred and forty-one ::gf;’“°i°£tY,:§;r° dollars and two cents. . _ 1,,, g m·rn1uou· nnrsunrnnr. mgzuivr D¤1>•r¤- For buildings at agencies and repairs, eighteen hundred and eighty- B¤ §l·li¤ ¤ ¤·* two and prior years, two hundred and one dollars and nity-sev cents. ;§,?:"°°· **5 '°' For contingencies of the Indian Department, eighteen hundred and I Cd°i¤**¤s;¤°i°¤· eg hty-two and prior years, two thousand six hundred and twenty-six m‘;ut_‘“ glare and sixty-six cents. For incidental expenses Indian service in Arizona, eighteen hundred !¤¢li¤{ ¤¤"i and eightytwo and prior years, three thousand one hundred and nity- six dollars and nfty cents. _ For incidental expenses Indian service in California, eighteen hundred 0¤1if¤r¤¤¤~ and eighty-two and prior years, thirteen dollars and ninety-three cents. For incidental expenses Indian service in Nevada, eighteen hundred Nevada. and eighty-two and prior years, nine hundred and ilfty three dollars and six cents. For incidental expenses Indian service in Oregon, eighteen hundred Indian and eighty-two and prior years, une thousand four hundred and eighty- 0*•s¤¤- three dollars aud thirtyhve cents. °‘l’°"'°’· For pay of Indian agents, eighteen hundred and eighty-two and prior Indian agents. years, nine hundred and thirty-one dollars and thirty cents. For pay of interpreters, eighteen hundred and eighty-two and prior Interpreters. years, one hundred and nine dollars and nfty-one cents. For support of Apaches of Arizona and New Mexico, eighteen hun- Apaches of Arldred and eighty-two and prior years, thirteen thousand nine hundred ¤ ¤¤_• •¤ d Nw and five dollars and seventy-two cents. M“‘°°· For supper: of Indians of Fort Peck Agency, eighteen hundred and Indians of Fort eighty-two and prior years, two hundred and eleven dollars and forty- Pwk Az¤¤¢¥· one cents. For support of Sioux of diferent tribes, including Santee Sioux oi siouxnfdinerent Nebraska, eighteen hundred and eighty-two and prior years, one hun- tribes i!¤•=l¤*U¤5 dred and fifty-seven dollars and ilve cents. t §:',::'gkE_‘°"‘ For telegraphing and purchase of Indian supplies, eighteen hundred Telegrmining, and eighty-two and prior years, one thousand nine hundred and ten l¤<l¤¤¤ •¤P ¤¤•· dollars and forty cents di I b d `or transportation of In an supp ies, eighteen undred an eighty- T ,,,, , twotsand prior years, one thousand and sixty-two dollars and ninety orrsdimazlgpligsu cen . CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE THIBI) AUDITOR AND SECOND b GQ zllayvtzig I1 COMPTROLLEB. gms d Comp If. For Army pensions, eighteen hundred and eighty-two and prior years, Army v·¤¤¤i¤¤•· eight hundred and sixtyseven dollars and ninety-two cents.