Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/521

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. sms. II. 01;.360. 1885. 493 employed in the office sent on special duty in the service of the office, four thousand dollars. Total general expenses of office, forty thousand eight hundred dollars. Fon RENT OF ormcxa BUILDINGS: For rent of buildings for offices, nep: of cam

 rooms, and work-shops in Washington ten thousand five hundred l’“'m“’8”·

c dollars. · · For rent of fire-proof building uumborcd two hundred and live New Jersey uvcnuc, including rooms for standard weights and measures; for the safe-keeping and preservation of tho original astronomical, magnetic, bydrogmphic, and other records, of the onginal t0p0gra.phical and lnydrogmphic maps and charts, of instruments, engraved plates, and gtliiaer valuable property of the Coast and Gcodotic Survey, six thousand o ars. 1’UBL1smNG OBSERVATIONS: For continuing the publication of ob- P¤l>¥i¤l¤i¤·.; vbscrvntions and their discussion, made in the progress of the Coast and “°”"""’°““· Gcodctic Survey, including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, the publication to be mmlc at the Government Printing Oiilcc, six thousand dollars. For repairs and maintenance of vessels: For repairs and maintenance Regus, em., of of vessels used in the Coast and Geodotic Survey, twentysix thousand "°"° · dollars. . MISCELLANEOUS omxcrs Unnmu cruz TREASURY nmnnmum. Mismllanoous, PAPER AND sinus: F or paper and stamps for the Bumuu of In- P=¤1·¤r a n d ternal Revenue, four hundred and ton thousand dollars; the engraving gfxgzo I““°’““l and printing of said stamps to be done in the Bureau of Engraving nm] ' Printing of the Treasury Department, under the direction of the Scumtury of the Treasury. Pumsmmur you vxonnmrzs o1·· mrmn1~u1.·1zmvmNU1; mws: For Vi¤1¤·¤i¤¤ <>f i¤- elotcotiug and bringing to tual and punishment persons guilty of vi01at— m“l"° "° ‘ “° ing the intcrunl-revenue laws, or conniviug at the same, including pay- ' ments for infomation and detection of such violations, fifty thousand dollars; and the Commissioner of Internal Bcvcnno shall make a. dctailul statement to Congress once in each year as to how_he has oxpcndcd this sum, and also a. detailed statement of all miscellaneous cxpenditures in the Bureau of Internal-Revenue for which appropriation is made i . this uct. · CON1'l.uiENT EXPENSES INDEPENDENT TREASURY: For contingent, R. s., wc. :165::, expenses under the requirements of section thirty-six lmudrod and tiny- P- guh ti b three umm umm smmm crm Umm smog, for me m11mi0n, kw;;; gg_, safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public money, and for m., of pumaé · transpo: tation of notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, rnmwy- seventy thousand dollars. FREIGHT ON BULLION nu: com: For freight on bullion and coin _Freight on mnbetween the mints and assay-offices, fifteen thousand dollars. 1‘°“ “”‘* °°"‘· Exvxxsms or THE NA*1*10Nlu. CURRENCY: For paper, express charges, National c u r - and other expenses, thirty thousand dollars. '°¤°Y· Dxsrmcmrvz PAPER Fon UNITED STATES smcvnumsz For paper, Distinctive pa. iuclmling mill oxponms. transportation, exmnination, counting, and de- IM- livery thh tylivo thousand dollars. Tumvsxwnrnrou or suvmz com: For transportation of silver coin, s 1 1 v e »_ coin, fifty thousand dollars; and in cxpending this sum the Secretary of the *·’°¤¤P°'°*“°¤ °*· Treasury is authorized and directed to transport from the Treasury or snbtreasurias,1'reo of charge, silver coin when requested to do so: Provided That an equal amount in coin or currency shall have been homo. deposited in the Treasury or such subtrcasuries by tho applicant or up- - plioants. Anal the Secretary of tho Treasury shall report to Congress the oust arising mnlor thin appropriation. Tndncsronccmrrora oy com: com. For the transportation of gold coin G<>1<l¤<>i¤. transfrom Sam I°ranci.»•:o to New York, one hundred thousand dollars, the ¥‘°"°‘*°“ °£ szmm to be ixumcdiatvly nvniluble.