Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/533

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 360. 1885. 505 For rent, hire of civilian employees, furniture, light, heating supplies, E xpouse; of stationery, ice, repairs, and other expenses of offices maintained for 2m°“ S;?"““"“9d public use in cities and ports receiving reports, outside of Washington, Qfiiegn District of Columbia, forty-one thousand five hundred dollars. xv;ls1i1ugm¤_ D, c_ For river and flood reports, and expenses incidental thereto, ten River mm mma thousand dollars. “`T"“'**» °*"· For maps and bulletins to be displayed in chambers of commerce and _ Maps and 1»¤11e» {wards of trade rooms, and for distribution, twenty-five thousand dol- '"““· ars. For cottou—be1t reports, seven thousand dollars: Provided, That here- Comm- belt reafter the work of no other Department, Bureau, or Commission author- P°}',“· _. ) ized by law shall be duplicated by this Bureau.Mw" For maintenance and repair of military-telegraph lines, twenty four Milita.ty-te1e- thousand dollars. zmph i¤¤··¤- Pay z For pay of one brigadier-general and sixteen second lieuteu- Pay, ctc., of omants. twenty nine thousand five hundred dollars ; for longevity pay to °°” *****1 “'°”- officers of the Signal Corps, to be paid with current monthly pay, four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; for pay of one hundred and fifty sergeants, thirty eorporals, and three hundred and twenty privates, including payment due on discharge, two hundred thousand one hundred and fifty-one dollars and fifty-one cents; for mileage to officers when traveling on duty under orders, five thousand dollars; for pay of contract surgeon, one thousand two hundred dollars; for commutation of quarters to commissioned officers at places where there are no public quarters, seven thousand two hundred dollars; in all two hundred and iorty-seven thousand three hundred and one dollars and fifty one cents. And the Secretary of War is authorized, in his discretion, to detail for Onions detailed the service in the Signal Corps not to exceed four commissioned officers, of @*7 lu S’8°°~‘ exclusive of the second lieutenants of the Signal Corps authorized by "1°°' law, and of two officers lately serving in the Arctic Seas. Subsistence: For the subsistence of Signal Service enlisted men, and Subsistence. for commutation of rations of Signal Service enlisted men, including nine thousand and ninety dollars and ninety cents, for subsistence ‘ stores. authorized articles for sales to officers und enlisted men and company messes, as allowed by paragraph twenty-one hundred and ninety- nine, Army Regulations, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, one hundred and fifty-tive thousand dollars. Regular supplies: Fuel, authorized allowance for enlisted men at Fort Regulnrsupplies. Myer, Virginia, and for various omces at Fort Myer, Virginia, and on the United States military-telegraph lines, six thousand two hundred - dollars; commutation of fuel for two hundred and twenty enlisted men of the Signal Corps, at nine dollars each per month, twenty-three thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars; commutation of fuel for two hundred and forty enlisted men of the Signal Corps, at eight dollars each per mouth, twenty-three thousand and torty dollars; forage for twenty five mules and six horses, three thousand one hundred dollars; straw for thirty-one animals, at seven dollars each per annum, as allowed by paragraph eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, Army Regulations, eighteen hundred aud eightyone, two hundred and seventeen dollars; for torage for thirteen horses kept by officers in the public service, as allowed by paragraph eighteen hundred and ninety, Army Regulations, and the not making appropriations for the support of the Army approved February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty- 1861 vol. 21, ch. ono, at one hundred and lifteen dollars each per annum, one thousand 7*% P- 5** four hundred and ninety/tive dollars; for straw for thirteen horses kept by officers in the public service, as allowed by paragraph eighteen hundred n nd ninety, Army Regulations, and the act making appropriations for the support of the Army approved February twenty-fourth, eighteen h nmlrocl mul eighty-one, at ei ght elollurs and forty cents each per annum one lmndred and nine dollars and twenty cents; straw for forty enlisted men at pmst of Fort Myer, Virginia, and for hospital at that post, as allowed b y paragraph eighteen hundred and ninety-six, Army Regulations,