Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/544

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51 6 FORTY-EIGHIH CONGRESS. Sess. II. BES. 4-7. 1885. December 18, 1884. [No. 4.] Joint resolution nnlhorizing the Superintendent: of the Census to continue ‘*1"·’__·· the work on the Tenth Census. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States S"P°*i¤*°¤d¢¤* of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the act entitled “An

;g;‘:; act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government

work or Tg ,1 t h for tho fiscal year ending J uno thirtioth, eighteen hundred and eighty- Census until fur- ilvo, and for other purposes," approved July seventh, eighteen hundred

  • h°1` ¤°**°¤ of C°¤· and eightyfour, as provides that tho Census Bureau shall be closed 0n

g'°_j‘§;e P 212 January first, eighteen hundred and eighty-tive, bo, and is hereby rc- `` pcaled; and tho Superintendent of the Census is authorized to continue the work of tho Tenth Census until the further action of Congress: P“'* °f Mt '°· Provided, That in no case shall any expense bcinourred under this res- P°}],‘;‘;;_” olution, either for salaries or other items, in excess of tho balance of ap- ` propriations heretofore made for tho work of the Tenth Ucnsus which shall remain unexpendcd on January first, eighteen hundred and eighty- J’*<>¢‘i¢¢>- five: Provided, That said Bureau shall be closed with the expenditure of the money heretofore appropriated. Approved, December 18th, 1884. January 6, 18%, [N0. 5.] Joint resolution providing for the payment of laborers in Government ———————— employ for certain olidsys. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States pm- d io m em. of America in Congress assembled, That the employees of tho Navy Yard, pkryés of the G9v- Government Printing Ohicc, Bureau of Printing and Engraving, and °"“'““?° ;° “;*Y° all other per diem employees of tho Government on duty at Washington, £:h’&,y:_ ° °m or elsewhere in the United States, shall be allowed the following holidays, to wit: The first day of January, the twenty-second day of February, tho fourth day of July, the twentyfifth day of December, and such days as may be designated by tho President as days for national thanksgiving, and shall receive the same pay as on other days. Approved, Jan. 6, 1885. No. 6. Joint resolution a ristin thousand dollars for c rt —..—.’““”"· *8** ‘ ] ’.1’;$‘{’;i.. .h.'€i€3Z m, "‘ ““’*’° °‘ Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States S ¤1>w>f¤ Md of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of fifty thousand dolf{}::;“’:€“:£c;i§; lars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the in Montana Tm.i_ Treasury not other wisc appropriated, the same to be immediately availtory. _ _ able, to be applied to the support and maintenance of the Indians at APP¤>P¤¤¤<>¤· the Crow, Fort Belknap, Fort Peck and Blackfoot agencies in Montana. Territory. Approved, January twelfth, 1885. Fchrna 9, 1885. No. 7. Joint resolution rovio° an ‘nu

 ··*E······~·* [ J scriptivo gstalgpgo ¢$¥rG2:¤x·I:1`n:a::$nbl?cntIif•:1a? ho of the De-

Resolved by the Senate and Hmm: of Rqpresentativea of the United States Descriptive Cam- of America in Congress assembled, That there be printed and hulfbound

§::P:£“*2:;;;:· in leather, with tho exception of the reserve sets, which shall be full-

` bound in leather, six thousand six hundred copies of the Descriptive