Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/60

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32 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 60. 1884. lF¤1°¤ md msu- Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Agriculture l‘“‘°““‘ to prepare such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary for the speedy and effectual suppression and extirpation of said diseases, and to certify such rules and regulations to the exe;ut1ve authority of each C¢>·¢l>¢¤¤fi¢>¤ of State and Territory, and invite said authorities to co·operate in the ex- S°*t" QM] T°'“‘ ecution and enforcement of this act. Whenever the plans and methods wu"' ° °‘ of the Commissioner of Agriculture shall be accepted by any State or - Territory in which pleuro-pneumonia or other contagious, mfectrous, or communicable disease is declared to exist, or such State or Territory shall have adopted plans and methods for the suppression and extrrpation of said diseases, and such plans and methods shall be accepted by the Commissioner of Agriculture, and whenever the governor of a State or other properly constituted authorities signify their readiness t0_cooperate for the extinction of any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease in conformity with the provisions of this act, the Commissioner of Agriculture is hereby authorized to expend so much of the money appropriated by this act as may be necessary in such investigations, and in such disinfection and quarantine measures as may be necessary to prevent the spread of the disease from one State or Territory into another. Commissioner or Sec. 4. That in order to promote the exportation of live stock from 18*** ¤l¥¤}‘¤ tv the United States the Commissioner of Agriculture shall make special gzkfzmmizvx investigation as to the existence of plem·o-pneumonia, or_ any_ conta- !,l,,,,,,-,,,,,,m,,,,_ gious, infectious, or communicable disease, along the dividing-lines benia, etc. tween the United States and foreign countries, and along the lines of transportation from all parts of the United States to ports from which live stock are exported, and make report of the results of such investigation to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall, from time to time, establish such regulations concerning the exportation and transportation of live stock as the results of said investigations may require. M¤¤¤¤¤>¤ *¤ I·§X'¤· Sec. 5. That to prevent the exportation from any port of the United

,?"°(m:;fd““'{l¥';'; States to any port in a foreign country of live stock affected with any

,,0,,,,, ,,,m,,,,,d_ contagious, infectious, or communicable disease, and especially pleurapneumonia, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to take such steps and adopt such measures, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, as he may deem necessary. ‘ Transportation Sec. 6. That no railroad company within the United States, or the or diseased live owners or masters of any steam or sailing or other vesselor boat, shall '°°°k P’°*“‘”*°d· receive for transportation or transport, from one State or Territory to another, or from any State into the District of Columbia, or from the District into any State, any live stock affected with an contagious, infectious, cr communicable disease, and especially the disease known as pleuro-pneumonia; nor shall any person, company, or corporation deliver for such transportation to any railroad company, or master or owner of any boat or vessel,any live stock, knowing them to be affected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease; nor shall any person, company, or corporation drive on foot or transport in private conveyance from one State or Territory to another, or from any State into the District of Columbia, or irom the District into any State, any live stock, knowing them to be affected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease, and especially the disease known as pleuno- Promo. pneumonia : Provided, That the socalled splenetic or Texas fever shall Splenetic orTe;- not be considered a contagious, infectious, or communicable disease as ever not neon- within the meaning of sections four, tive, six and seven of this act, as to ‘°·$‘°“’ ‘l‘“°“· cattle being transported by rail tomarket for slaughter, when the same are unloaded only to be fed and watered in lots on the way thereto. Notice to agents Sec. 7. That it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Agriculture °f '”1’°*‘*°· °*°· to notify, in writing, the proper officials or agents of any railroad, steamboat, or other transportation company doing business in or through any infected locality, and by publication in such newspapers as he may select, of the existence of said contagion; and any person or persons operating any such railroad, or master or owner of any boat or vessel,