Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/62

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34 FOBTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Gus. 62, 63. 1884. the business of his office, and deposit ng the records, documents, and C _ _ all other papers of the court or its officers in the office of the Secretary mC2f': ‘;fb;f;“£ of State, as provided in said act and the act therein referred to; and all under the Seem, disbursementsmade by said cler·k during this additional period shall tary of State. be under the direction of the Secretary of Sta-te. Claims. S110h 3. That the Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims shall _ procee with all convenient dispatch to the final adjudication of all I°`¤¤*¤ ¤1¤¤¤· claims of the first class as designated in the fifth section of the aforesaid act approved June fifth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two; and assoon as the said court shall be satisfied that the aggregate of all the judgments of the first class, with interest added at four per centum from the time the loss occurred to the thirty-first of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven,_will not exceed the unappropriated amount of the List of ju,}- Geneva award remaining in the Treasury alter the deduction of all law-

 ‘é$»'F5°·‘-*9 T.`? $5%Z‘2“;f§'§.“?l2.f°.'2?dZ‘£2}} E‘3¥"€£E“§“f-.§}‘ "‘° ?’§‘€’?L j“‘F“iI"S

_ , ec ar o a w o s a g£c§;g:,Z 0?!E.°cat; thereupon transmit the same, or a copy thereof, rg the Secretary of the uy.Treasury; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall, out of the unexlgiymerm; to be pended balance of aid award, without unnecessary delay, proceed to pay

$* E}.'?..??;? lE“iL1‘.2‘;‘?d°‘..§,‘l.‘i.“?ft°E'.$3€é’ §$§°§}‘.°;‘..2f‘L.§$“§"i.‘§ lit

0,.,, W _ a a s · s s a u prescribe. _And the,said court shall from time to time thereafter report arch other Judgments of the iirst_class, if any, as may be rendered, to Tre} Secrsetaryl of Ssatekgr be by him transrmtted toighe Secretary;] of the asur a par in e same manner an u o ti- _ _ before prhvided, until the whole of said judgmgntls of tahleotlrist txrssedhalll A1>1¤¤1>¤¤¤¤¤- ge ptagdf tgng so much money as may be necessary to_ pay said judgen _ o e rst class, with interest thereon as aforesaid, rs hereby appztznlagditxt of any mpgieys in the Treasury received from said award approprta . Approved, June 3, 1884. ‘ CHAP. 63.-An act to vide for the muster and of certain odieers onlri

 Pm men of the volunteer   md

Be it enacted by the Sonata and Home of .Repr¢•catatives of the United 16 Stat., ass. Staten of Anerwa an Congress assembled, That the joint. resolution ap- 0023; erin tfc in proved July eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled “Joint reso- S n 48*** nam 8 3 Kagan au]rend(ag;y£t‘i;o1;1‘i;resolutr<;; for tlhe relief of certainodlcers the commissioned S 8 1118 03808 arising me »*=···¤· ·*·*· M3; ..}’£...a..M mid Sit?;?.. :,.$.1§J.T§.i’ 1i‘3'L"*`°" i‘i“" °"°""“"" ‘“ Zgrxcjsgpfszecggrzg unldgl th; same any person who was duly appointed and commissioned, not- w e_ er _1s commission was actually recerved_by him or not, shall be considered as commissioned to the grade therein named from the date when his commission was actually issued by competent authority, and shall be entrtledto all pay and emoluments as if actually mustered at Pmm. such date: Promded, That at the date of his commission he was actually pegrzrrsmngltfhe duties oththle grade to which he was_so commissioned, or, his .,’§§.i.§’.$”£L."i€.i“.‘If.,» i.“?§°;§§I$t"2$§‘L$i“ °““° "'"i.’.¥"£’ "“‘ft °{ _ 8 r u u sucs: trrasueemertym-, grweiedfwrghw, That any person heldyasa prisons: of war, ol; welro mzy e c.. utcase c vn- ave een a sent by reason of wounds or in hospital by reason of dis- $:,:*31 “; gggfi :‘f ability received in the service in the line of duty, at the date of his com- ,;,,,,2,] entitled to mission, of ui vacancy existed for him in the grade to which so commispay, ste. gtgrlgggiéslhgllhlzegséggleglftphthe same payhanld lemoluments as if actually egrade ow rc ewas ommid bP::r;;¢;1p£:€ mally rmsuystlerned hatiéttch dats :dA•l=d{»rovidedfunger, Tgtmtlrisafct wmmmm ,.,,,.,0,. th h he y amen e shall be construed to apply only rn to yum 20, 1863, _ use cases w ere the commission bears date prior to June twentieth, m. eighteen hundred and srxtythree, or after that date when their com-