Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/71

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FORTYEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Gus. 81, 82. 1884. 43 thereon, such change shall be subject likewise to the approval of the Secretary of War. S20. 4. That: any bridge and accessory works, when built and con- Dwlmd u lawstructcd under this act and according to the terms and limitations f“Lt_"*“'°*'“’° md thereoi shall be a lawful structure; and said bridge shall be recognized p° r°m'°' and known as a p0st·r0ute, upon which also no higher charge shall bemadc for the transmission over the same of the mail , the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States than the rata per mile paid for the transportation over the railroads or public highways leading to said bridge; and said bridge shall enjoy the rights and privileges of other post;-routes in the United States; and Congress reserves the right C 1, M g ,., S fo I at any time to regulate by appropriate legislation the charges for height iioight uudpassem and passengers over said bridge. 8°¤‘¤· Sec. 5. That the United States shall have the right of way for postal Bi8h*°f WW f°¥ telegraph across said bridges. P°'t"‘l °°1°g'“Ph‘ Sec. 6. That the right: to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby expressly reserved; and the right to require any changes in such structure, or its entire removal, at the expense of the owners thereof, whenever Congress shall decide that tho public interests requires it, is also expressly reserved. Approved, J unc 12, 1884. CHAP. 82.-An act to authorise the construction of s. bridge across tho Missouri River Jung 12, 1$4_ at a yfcint to be selected between tho north md the south line of tho county of —i---———— Doug u, State of Nebraska, and to make the same a post·mutc. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqwcscntative: of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Nebraska Central Bridgv 9¤r¤¤¤ Railway Company, an incorporation organized under the laws of the g‘:u]q:°“g(En'“¤ State of Nebraska, is hereby authorized to construct and maintain :1 Ncblqssn ty' bridge across the Missouri River at such a point as may be hereafter selected by said corporation between the north and the south line of the county of Douglas, in the State of Nebraska, and at least one-third of a. mile hom any other bridge, as shall best promote the public convenience and wclthre and the necessities of business and commcmc,a.nd also to construct accessory works to secure the best practicable chanuclway for navigation and 00116110 the Bow of the water to a. permanent chauncl at such point, and also to lay nn and over said bridge a railway track for the more perfect connection of any railroads that arc or shall be constructed to said river at or opposite said point; and said corporation shall construct and maintain ways for wagons, carriages, and for foot-passengers, charging and receiving reasonable toll therefor as may be approved hom time to time by the Secretary of War : Provided said Prooieo. bridge and all property belonging to or connected with the brid ga shall bo constructed, maintained and used as a combined railway and wagon bridge for the safe and convenient passage of wagons, carriages, stock, steam cable and strecucars and all mad travel; but the same track, shall not be upon the same space, as used for railroad track and cars. Sec. 2. That aid bridge shall be constructed and built without mm xnvigguuu of terial interference with the security and convenience of navigation of ri*•r 1¤•••¤•d- ssid river beyond what is necessary to carry into effect the rights and privileges hereby granted; and in order to secure than object the said company or corporation shall submit to the Secretary of of War, for his Plan on be subexamination and approval, a design and drawings of the bridge and a ’”*“°‘l f' mg map of the location, giving, for the space of one mile above and one fat", nfwm mile below the proposed location, the topography of the banks of the river, the shore lines at high and low water, the direction and strength cf the currents at all stages, and the sormdings, accurately showing the bod of the stream, the location of any other bridge or brid%, and shall furnish such other infcrmation as may be required for a. mxd