Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/77

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FORTY—EIGH'1`H CONGRESS. Sess. 1. CHS. 10-1, 105. 1884. 49 CHAP. 104.—An act authorizing claimants to the Rancho do Napa, in Napa County, Jui e 20, 1884. California, to prove up their title. ——-———— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the claimants to the lands Y R¤¤¢=h<><l¤N¤pa. situated in Napa County, California, known as the Rancho de Napa, §Q}_’*‘._C°“{’t};“";‘ who deraign title through the original Mexican grantee of said rancho, to lQ:Qi',,?_?,i|,,&:;t.§ and whose claims or those of their predecessors in title have not been one year to present hitherto passed upon by proper authority, are hereby permitted and ¤i=*·i¤1¤»¤¤¤· authorized to present their claim to said lands to the district court of the United States for the district of California within one year next after the passage of this act, and not afterward, for examination ; and if upon the hearing of said case it shall appear to said court that the claim of the original grantee was good and valid under Mexican laws relating to such cases, and that the claimants are entitled to have such confirmation, the said court shall by decree confirm said claim: Pro- Prwivvvided, That no lands shall be confirmed to said claimants to which there L¤¤d¤•>¤¤¤¤Df¤d- are any valid claims existing under the pre-emption, homestead, or other laws of the United States at the date of the passage of this act; nor shall any decree of coniirmation aifect any valid adverse right of any other person or persons, or give to the confirmees, or any of them, any claim upon the United States for compensation for any land such contirmees may lose by pre-emption, homestead, or other claims or rights as aforesaid: Provided further, That said claimants, before filing their Provioo. claim, shall execute releases to any person who may have or hold any Releases m perportion of said lands, under valid claims under the pre-emption, home- QRS h°ld*¤8 *****6 stead, or other laws of · the United States, at the date of the passage of ° °‘""°‘ this act, to the portions of said lands so held respectively; and before renderinga decree of confirmation the said court shall ascertain that said releases have been duly executed. Sec. 2. That the United States and any party in interest are hereby Right ¤f **PP°**l granted the right of appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States, Q? i“p;`§;“° C°“"· within six months next after any decree shall be entered, in the manner" ' alloivered in other cases of appeal; and the said court in the examination of the claims presented by any person under this act shall be governed, so far as applicable, by the provisions of the act passed March 9 S*“·· 631- third, anno Domini eighteen hundred and fifty-one, entitled "An act to ascertain and settle private land-claims in the State of California ”. Sec. 3. That the United States surveyor-general for California is Patent to issue; hereby directed, upon the filing in his office by said claimants of a °°“d““°““· certified copy of a final decree of confirmation under the provisions of this act, to cause said claim to be surveyed as other claims of like nature are now surveyed under existing laws; and upon the approval of said survey by the proper authority a patent shall issue to said claimants in the usual form. Approved, June 20, 1884. CHAP. 105.-An act to authorize the construction of a highway bridge across that June 20, 1884. part of the waters of Lake Champlain lying between the towns of North Hero and ";_’_"‘_" Aluurgh, in the State of Vermont. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United . States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper authorities of the iowus of North Hero and Alburgh, in the county of Grand Isle, in 1,,,,, G,,,.,.; me the State of Vermont, be, and they are hereby, authorized to construct, Emmy, Vcunont. maintain, and use a highway bridge at some convenient point across that part of the waters of Lake Champlain which divide the aioresaid {owns. Sec. 2. That the structum authorized by the preceding section shall Construction. _ bc built and located under and subject to such regulations for the secur- §$’““““Y °f”‘“"‘ ity of navigation of such waters as the Secretary of War shall pre· 8** w"' XXIII--}