Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/796

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768 CONVENTION-CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Aman. 9, 1884, JUNE 9, 1884. April 9, 18S• Convention between the Governor of the colony of the Carpe of Good Hope J““° 9» *88*- and the President of the United States of America concerning the exchange of Money-Orders. ,C°¤*°¤°*i¤8P¤'· The Governor of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope and the_Pres— t'"" ident of the United States of America being desirous of establrshmg a system of exchange of Money-Orders between the two countries have agreed on behalf of their respective Governments to the following Articles. Aamrcma 1. Scope. There shall be a regular exchange of money-orders between the two _ countries. _ Money-orders. The maximum of each order is fixed at Ten pounds, sterling, when issued in the Cape Colony, and when issued in the United States at the equivalent in sterling money of Fifty dollars in the money of the latter country, converted at the rate fixed by article 13 of the present convention. Fractions. No money-order shall include the fractional part of a penny, or of a cent. Amount. The amount of each order whether issued in the United States or in the Cape Colony must be expressed in-letters in British.~·money and the equivalent in the money of the United States must also be shown in ngures. _ Aarrcnn 2. Commission. , The Cape Colony Post-Oilice Department shall have power to fix the rates of commission on all money-orders issued in the Cape Colony, and the Post·Omce Department of the United States shall have the same power in regard to all money·orders issued in the United States. Tarifofcharges. Each oillce shall communicate to the other its tari§' of charges or rates of commission, which shall be established under this Convention, and these rates shall, in all cases, be payable in advance by the remitters and shall not be xepayable. . Suspcnsionofex- It is understood, moreover that each omce is authorized to suspend ¤|¤·¤s¤¤· temporarily the exchange oi, money-orders, in case the course of exchange,orauy othereircumstances,should give rise to abuses or cause detriment to the Postal Revenue. ABTICI.E 3. 1>aymentot‘¤om~ Each country shall keep the commission charged on all money·orders ”**'*°¤· issued within the jurisdiction, but pay to the other country three-fourths of one per cent on the amount of such orders. Aarrcu: 4. . s,,,i,,,,_ The service of the postal money-order system between the two countries shall be performed exclusively by the agency of oilces of exchange. On the part of the United States the omce of exchange shall be New York N. Y. and on the part of the Cape Colony, Cape own. Omen. Orders shall be drawn only on the authorized money -order offices of the respective countries; and each Postal administration shall turnish