Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/798

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770 CONVENTION—CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. APRIL 9, 1884, JUNE 9, 1884. F¤il¤f¤ ¤f HMB- shall be alforded without delay. Should any list fail to be received in due course, the despatching exchange office, on receiving information to that effect shall transmit without delay, a duplicate of the list duly certified as such. Anrrcrn 8. Dopucoteoraer-B, Duplicate orders shall only be issued by the Postal Administration of the country on which the original orders were drawn, and in conformity with the regulations established, or to be established, in that country. Anrrcrn 9. Payment of or-. The orders issued by each country on the other shall be subject as reders. gards payment, to the regulations which govern the payment of inland orders of the country on which they were drawn. The paid orders shall remain in the possession_of the country of pay- ment. Anrronn 10. Repayment to Repayment of orders to remitters shall not be made until an author- '°m*“°°¤’· ization for such repayment shall have been obtained by the country of issue from the country where such orders are payable, and the amounts of the repaid orders shall be duly credited to the former country in the quarterly account. (Article 12.) It is the province of each Postal Administration to determine the manner in which repayment to the remitters is to be made. Anrrcnn 11. Void orders. Orders which shall not have been paid within twelve calendar months from the month of issue shall become void, and the ums received shall accrue to, and be at the disposal oi; the country of origin. Qrmrtvrly a c - The Cape Colony office shall thereibre enter to the credit of the United °°““*“· States in the quarterly account, all money orders entered in the list received from the United States which remain unpaid at the end of the period specified. (Article 12.) Monthly state- On the other hand, the Post-Omoo Department of the United States

  • ,*****1* °*` "id ¢>1‘· shall, at the close of each month, transmit to the Cape Colony office for

°"‘ entry in the quarterly account, a detailed statement of all orders included in the lists despatched from the latter onice which under this article become void. Anrrcnn 12. A¤<¤>¤¤*¤- At the close of each quarter an account shall be prepared at the General Post-Oiiice, Cape Town, showing in detail the totals of the lists containing the particulars of orders issued in either country during the quarter and the balance resulting from such transactions. Payment ¤fbar Three copies of this account shall be transmitted to the Post-Office °”°°“· Department of the United States at Washington, and the balance after proper verification shall, if due by the PostOffice Department of the Cape Colony be paid to the General Post—OiHce at London to the credit of the Post-Oftice Department of the United States on account of the exchange of money-orders between the United States and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; and if due by the Post·Office Department of the United States shall likewise be paid to the General Post-Olizice at London to the credit of the Post-Office Department of the Cape Colony. Adjustment of Provided always that in the event of the balances of the money-order ¤¤l•¤¤¤¤» sts- transactions between the United Kingdom and the Cape Colony, and between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, respectively, being at any time against the United Kingdom, any balance