Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/810

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782 AGREEMENT——SIAM. MAY 14, 1884. May 14, 1884. Agreement between the United States of America and Siam for the rqqulation of the liquor tragic in Siam. Ooneluded at Washington May 14, 884; ratification advised by the Senate June 28, 1884; ratified by the President June 30, 1884; ratified by the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the King of Siam at Washington June 30, 1884; ratifications exchanged at Washington June 30, 1884; proclaimed July 5, 1884. BY rim Pnnsmmzr or THE Ummm) STATES on Anmmos. A PROCLAMATION. . proclamation_ Whereas an Agreement for regulating the trallic in spirituous liquors was concluded between the Governments of the United States of America and Siam, and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Washington on the fourteenth of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four, the original of which Agreement is word for word as follows: 5C0N_ AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE UNITED STA TES OF AMERICA AND SIAM FOR REG ULATING THE TRAFFIC IN SPIRITUO US LIQUORS. C 9D tw G fills The Government of the United States of America and the Government l’“'“°“· of His Majesty the King of Siam, being desirous of making satisfactory arrangements for the regulation of the traiiie in spirituous liquors in Siam, the undersigned, duly authorized to that effect, have agreed as follows: Anrromn I. Sale of alcoholic Spirits of all kinds not exceeding in alcoholic strength those per- °P“"*°- mitted to be manufactured by the Siamese Government in Siam may be imported and sold by citizens of the United States on payment of the same duty as that levied by the Siamese excise laws upon spirits manufactured in Siam; and spirits exceeding in alcoholic strength spirits manufactured in Siam as aforesaid may be imported and sold upon pay- ment of such duty, and of a proportionate additional duty for the excess of alcoholic strength above the Siamese Government standard. BW! Md Wim- Beer and wines may be imported and sold by citizens of the United States on payment of the same duty as that levied by the Siamese excise Duty. laws upon similar articles manufactured in Siam, but the duty on imported beer and wines shall in no case exceed 10 per cent. ad valorem. The said duty on imported spirits, beer and wines shall be in substitution of, and not in addition to, the import duty of 3 per cent. leviable under the existing treaties; and no further duty, tax or imposition whatever shall be imposed on imported spirits, beer and wines. The scale of excise duty to be levied upon spirits, beer and wines manufactured in Siam shall be communicated by the Siamese Government to the Minister Resident and Consul-General of the United States at Bangkok, and no change in the excise duties shall affect citizens of the United States until after the expiration of six months from the date at which such notice shall have been communicated by the Siamese ` Government to the representative of the United States at Bangkok. Anrrcrn II. Test ot spirits. The testing of spirits imported into the kingdom of Siam by citizens of the United States shall be carried out by an expert designated by