Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/82

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54 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. .Ch. 121. 1884. w&u?;D'°¤?:·¤» by “All_the officers of vessels of the United States shall be citizens of m audeglf afs`; the United States, except that in cases_ where, on a foreign voyage, or mM_ ou a voyage irom an Atlantic to a Pacific port of the United States, any such vessel is for any reason deprived of the services of an officer below the grade of master, his place, or a vacancy caused by the promcigtionof another agficerdto such place, may be suppligd by a person no a citizen o the nite States until the first return o such vessel to its home port; and such vessel shall not be liable to any penalty or penal tax for such employment of an alien officer.” R- $-*58*% 887- Sec. 2. That section forty-five hundred and eighty of the Revised _ Statutes be amended so as to read as follows: m£:¤°::*€;*gt¤:} ‘· Sec. 4580. Upon the application of the master of any vessel to a ng;. dj, consularfoH¥er to pschlarge a useaman, or upon the application of any seaman or is own isc argeit appears to such officer that said seaman has completed his shipping agreement, or is entitled to his discharge under any act_ of Congress or according to the general principles or usages of maritime law as recognized in the United States, such officer shall discharge said seaman, and require from the master of said vessel, before such discharge shall be made, payment of the wages which may then be due said seaman · but no payment of extra wages Sggllable requtrred by aaiydconaplar mfécer upon such discharge of any m excep as provide in is ac . _ R- S- 45% 887- vigaslcqfi. éllhat {section Sorgydlve hundred and eighty-three of the Bean- W. 0.. ·· Sno 1%* v€i.”;'I.‘§€tfo.fti.‘é€i¥§ f."“" “*‘f°"°'“‘ - - di“h•rg°_ · _ _ c arge o 3.S8B]Il2.1l in aforeign coungyilgutgis complamtéhat ttglycyaage IS continued contrary to agree- _ ccons aro cers sa' thatsucbvoa hasbeen

?;)gn(;>Id1l,y0a-nvdhnmecessadly prolonlgedhin gréollaltion of th? articles of

m enever a seaman is isc ar a consular Bice ` consequence of any hurt or injury received in theyservice of at veslsdlt such consular officer shall require the payment by the master of one mlolnathfs waglesrgzpsuch seaman over and above the wages due at the K 8- 4561. 883- Sec. 4. That section forty-five hundred and sixty-one of the Revised Stat t be s read as s- Uischsrgwfscs- “S1n? Mohhufdlnzcrnzpeztdrs in theifcgpvmt phall also state whether Q'?-;:;’:°‘rm·:; their opinion, the vessel was sent to sea unsuitahlyl provided in any , M, ,,,1; ,,,,,1 important or essential particular, by neglect or design or through miswages; exception. gh; or gccident; and ir} caselftgvais by neglect or design, and the conr officer approves o suc n ing, he shall disch e such of tl crew ap request it, and shall require the payment by th? master of orig months wages for each seaman over and above the wages then due. gn; rf, gnhthe otpinioplof the inspectorsglgne defects or deiicieneies found xis ave een e resu to mista or accident, and could not in the exercise of ordinary care have been known and provided agaihst gefore the sailing of the vessel, and the master shall, in a reasonable me, remove or remedy_the causes of complaint, then the crew shall re- H S 4582 887 maué anddiglcharge their duty." · - , - · Ec.u. atsectiontort -ti· h d d dh ·- ' Statutes be amended so as go re?zduaIsiF<$lo::r1s:2‘g Q mom. the Rovmed 0uBx(E;:l:;ée,s ug ei S§)o;u4;5r;2.q:ghler;\e\ée)x;¤a vcssgpt the United States is sold in a for cm 0,. mc; Pm_ · V , . pany nscharged, it shall be the duty of the vm_ master to produce to the consular officcr the certified list of his ship’s company, and also the shipping articles, and to pay to said consular oftl. cer for every seaman so discharged one month’s wages over and above gre wéages wlnclr may nhlcnl beldue ::10 such seaman; but in case the mas- _ o _ e vesse so so s ia wit the assent of said seaman rovide hum with adequate employment on board some other vessel bcgind to the `port at which he wasbrrgrnally shipped, or to such other port as mzy agreed upon by him, then no payment of extra wages shall be