Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/822

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794 CONVENTION—WINDWARD ISLANDS-MONEY-ORDERS. JULY2, 1884. eluded in the lists despatched from the latter office, which under this Article become void. Arvrrcrn 12. Accounting and At the close of each quarter an account shall be prepared at the Post· . P°Ym°”* °f bill- Office of Bridgetown showing in detail the totals of the lists containing an°°°' the particulars of orders issued in the United States on the one part and in the several Windward Islands on the other part, during the quarter, and the balance resulting from such transactions. Three copies of this account shall be transmitted to the Post—Oi’rice Department of the »United States at YVashington, and the balance after proper verincation shall, if due by the Post»0iiice Department of the United States be paid at Bridgetown, but if due by the Post-Office of Barbadoes, it shall be pai a at New York, and in the money of the country to which the payment is made. Payments may be made in money or by drafts, or by bills of exchange, on points other than Bridgetown and New York, by mutual agreement, between the Post-Oiiice Departments of the United States and Barbadoes. · Payments gn ac- If pending the settlement of an account, either the United States count in advance, Post—Ciiice on the one part, or the Post—Uf1ice of Barbadoes on the other "h°"° ’”°d°- part, shall ascertain that the one owes the other a balance exceeding five thousand dollars the indebted administration shall promptly remit the approximate amount of such balance to the credit of the other; but nothing herein contained shall prevent such administration from remitting a lesser amount than five thousand dollars at discretion. Forms. This account and the letters which accompany such intermediate remittances shall be in accordance with the forms ‘ C,’ ‘D,’ ‘E,’ ‘F,’ and ‘G,’ annexed to this Convention. . Anrrouc 13. Equivalent o £ Until the Postal Administrations of the United States and the severa the E¤g1§¤h P¤¤¤d Windward Islands shall consent to an alteration it is agreed that in all °°°’]“‘g “‘ "‘1“°· matters of account relative to money-orders which shall result from the execution of the present Convention, the pound sterling of Great Britain shall be considered as equivalent to four dollars eightyseven cents of the money of the United States. Anrrcmz 14. Additionalmles. The Postal Administration in every country included in this Convention shall be authorized to adopt any additional rules (if not repugnant to the foregoing) for greater security against fraud, or for the better working of the system generally. All such additional rules however must, if adopted by the United States, be promptly communicated to the Post-Office Department of Barbadoes, and if adopted by any of the Windward Islands be promptly communicated to the Post-Oiiice Department of the United States by the Post·OiHce Department of Barbadoes. Anrrcrn 15. Duration. This present Convention shall take effect on the ilrst dayof October one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four and shall continue in force until twelve months after either of the contracting parties shall have notfiled to the other its intention to terminate it. Done in duplicate and signed in Washington on the second day of