Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/831

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CONVENTION —WIN DWARD ISLANDS—MONEY-ORDERS. JULY 2, 1884. 803 I`. BALANCE. To credit of Barbadoes Office. I To credit of United States Olnce. --. ._._._._..l é - · I 5 J. d.$ c. Amount of international orders issued in the Amount of international orders issued in Barba- UnitedStates .. . . . does, &o .. . .. . . . . ,... { of one per cent. on amount of such issues . . . . .. { of one per cent. on amount of such issues ... . . . -..

  • 1

£ s. [ d. $ c. Deduct amount of void orders [ Deduct amount of void orders of Barof U. S. issue as per table . . . of .. badoes, dw., issue, as per table .. . . . ... Deduct amount ofinternationalt I orders repaid in U. S., as perl Deduct amount of international orders table I .. . ...3. . .. repaid in Barbadoes, dw., aspertable. .. -.-· i ...{ T. Total deduction ... . - . . . Total deduction . - . . .. . - . . United States credit converted at $4.87 to the Barbadoes credit converted at $4.87 to the pound, , pound to be deducted ... . . ‘ to be deducted .. . . B;1ancetocreditofBarbadoes0iIi¢:e .. . . ... |Belancetocredit0fU.S.0Hice ... —— £ o. d. S c. Paid on account by the Office Paid on account by the Office of Bar- 0ftheUnitedStst0s . . . .". badces ·-.·---··----·----··-·-·-----· · ----- ·-·- Dtws: DBMS: Bdgnqaramgining ,,,...,,.,... . .. .-.. Balanceremsining . . . . l

The yithin www; gghibiq um.] bghnce of .. , which after deduction of the payments on account, as therein ststed, leaves n balance remaining of .. - ..-...~---- GHG to the --·------··-»·-·----·· OEM- Postmsster of Barbadocs. me sbove statement or account is ucsptad with a bdsm ct ..--.-- . due to the ·------·----·--· 0¤¢¤· Wahingtom, ,188.. Asditorq/lh•1*r•¤•uryfor¢h•Po:¢ Ojccbepartmant. {hwy,-g-gang; ,__,_, , ,,,,,_,_,,.,,,. ,L;v1¤gb•¤n¤•dptsdby•ped•1vo¤¤lm¤,th¤r¤ceiptof the·balsn¤• idnhg of .. h hsnby uhswbdpd. ' .. . 1I.. . -···---·-·-·- - -·---·---·---·--·-