Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/846

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818 CONVENTION-SWEDEN. Dnomrnmz 27, 1884. order is payable that the order has land, der anvisningen ar betalbar, not been paid. ingatt underrattelse att anvisningen ej blifvit; inlost. Quarterlyreports 2. At the end of every quarter, 2. Vid slutet af hvarje qvartal °f “’P"~F"""'““ P" each postal administration shall skall hvardera Postforvaltningen Fmm B` show, in a list similar to Form B, lemna en detaljerad forteckning, i annexed, the particulars of all or· enligbet med bifogade formuliir B, ders which it has been authorized at alla postanvisningar, som samma to repay to the original remitters; Forvaltning bemyndigats att aterand the total amount of such list, betala till anvisningarnas atsiinwhich for this purpose shall be dare, och totalsumniorna af dessa transmitted to the accounting de- forteckningar, som for sadant partment of the General Post-Office dam al skola till Generalpoststyrel at Stockholm, shall be entered to sens kameralbyra. i Stockholm in the credit of such administration sandas, krediteras vederboraude in the account mentioned in Arti- Postverk i afrakningen, omnamnd cle XVII. i artikel XVII. Ancrronn XI. ABTIKEL4XI. UNPAID MONEY·oRDERs. OBESTALLBARA POSTANVISNIN- GAB. Unpaid orders 1. Monevorders, which shall not 1. Anvisning, som icke infriats "°*d i¤ *“'°l"° have been paid within twelve cal- inom tolf kalendermanader, den m°"°h°‘ endar months from the month of manad oraknad, under hvilken anissue, shall become void. The sums visningen utstalts, upphor att vireceived from such money-orders dare galla. Beloppet for en sadan shall accrue to and be at the dispo- postanvisning skall tillgodoibras sal of the country of origin. och forblifva till disposition af afsandningslandet. To be credited 2. The Swedish office shall, there- 2. Svenska Postforvaltningen ¤¤¤*¤¤Uy i¤ qw- fore, enter in the quarterly account skall derfore i qvartalsafrakningen "'IY “°°°““'*°· (Article XVII.) to the credit of the (art. XVII) kreditera Forenta Sta- United States, all money-orders en- tcrna for alla de postanvisningar, tered in the lists received from the som, uppforda a forteckningarna United States,which remain unpaid fran Fiirenta Staterna, forblifvit at the end of the period specified. oinlosta vid ntgangen af namnda tidsperiod. 3. On the other side, the Post- 3. A andra sidan skall Forenla Oiiice Department of the United Staternas Postdepartement vid slu- States shall, at the close of each tet af hvarje qvartal till Svenska quarter, transmit to the Swedish Postforvaltningen, fer intagandei office, for entry in the quarterly ah~akningen,ofversanda en specitiaccount, a detailed statement of eerad uppgift 5 alla de postanvisall orders included in the lists ningar, som, uppiiirda a forteckdespatched from the Swedish office, ningarna fran Svenska Postverket, which under this Article become blifvit obetalbara enligt bestamvoid. melserna i denna artikel. Amuonn XII. ABTIKEL XII. LISTS OF MONEY-ORDERS. POSTANWSNINGSFURTECHWINGAR.. Lists to be com 1. The two Oihces of Exchange 1. De bada utvexlingspostkon- ¤¤¤¤**>¤_f°d by shall communicate to each other toren skola med hvar afgaeude "°'Y m"' by every startirg Mail the sums post meddela hvarandra uppgifter received in each of the two coun- a de belopp, som inom hvartdera tries for payment in the other. af de bada landerna emottagits till. They shall use, for this purpose, the utbetalningi det andra lander. De- F<>¤¤ A· form of List A, annexed. skola i sadant iindamal anriimla. har bifogade lormular A.