Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/887

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INDEX. 859 . P¤B€· Page. Cami, Lcww L-, } Carpcnfer, B. D., P€¤$i_*’U tv - - ; --·---- - - - · - ----- . -.-... 671 I payment to . . _,__ ___, __ ______,___ 252 Canurvw liuu, A- _Y.. · Carpenter, rmzazz, appreprmticnforimprovcment of harborat. 134 I pa,-mem {0, fm- gqttgn ggjzgd ____ _ ______ __ 618 U¢¥**¤¢‘“”9 ¤i¢m¤1¤8· l appropriation for .. , ,.,..,.. 678 appropriation for, for postal service . . 156. 386 Carpenter, J. H., 0¤··¤I~s 1MM, payuwnm to .. . 572 payment to . .. . . . . . . . . ... 555 Carpets, Orme Rim;. Louisiana, appropriations for, for public buildings ..206, 495 appropriation for improvement of., ... 141 deiicimcy appropriations for __________ ___ 16 Camy 1*0176 l~‘*i/ver, Carr·ilI•ers, Tucker (or Caruthers) (colored), appropriation for improvement; of ..,._ 142 payment {0 ______ _ _______________ _ _ ______ 555 construction of bridge overthe, authorized. 446 · Curxon Ehzabcfb (widow), C¤¤¤0f*, claim ot, to be investigated. . . 619 testing of riiiod, authorized .. . 159 Cwrmm City, Nev., smooth-bore, bale ot, for experimental pur- appropriation for transfer of remains of poses, ontlnorized . . .. . .. 1:39 soldiers to cemetery 3t _____, _ _ ______ 219 Cgnhrbury, Uilliqm, for mint 3,1;, ____, , ,.,..____,.,,., ,. ,,,.],76,407 payment to .. . . . . . . .. 575 for erection of public building, at .. 281 Cantilever Bridge, N. Y., deficiency appropriation for contingent wleclareil a post route ... --. .. . 39 expenses, mini; at ____ , ,,_,_ _ ____ ____ 256 Cantrell, Robert, Carson, John M., pilyllwllt to . . . . . . 555 payment to , _,__,,,,.,, _ ,__,,__,__, _ ___,, 250 Capo Amr Granite Company, Cart, William S., payment to .. . . . . .. . . 453 payment to ... .--. 580 Cape Charles Light Station, Virginia, Carter, Dr. Benjamin, appropriation for protection of site of - 197 payment to, executor of ,.,, ..,_,, ,-,, 555 Caps Ibar River, North Carolina., Carter, Ckarlea, appropriation for improvement of, above payment to ...,.. - .,.,.. ,...226, 512 Wilmington .. . . --. . 139 Carter, J. B., below Wilmington .. . . . . ... 139 payment to estate of . .. 573 appropriation for establishments of lights Carter, MarlhaJ. (jormuly Llartha I Paine), on .. . . . . . . - 197 payment to . .. . .. 555 for lighting and buoying the . -. . 487 Carter, Samuel P., Cape Henlopen Beacon, payment to . . --.. 453 appropriation for removal of] to Delaware Carter Winton, Breakwater .. . . 197 payment to . . .. -- . ..- 555 Cape Spartel and Tangier Light, Cartwright, B. H. (deceased), appropriation for annual proportion of ex- payment to administrator of - 555 penses of .--- .- . ... 324 Cary, Robert, Capitol, pension to, increased . . . . . . 679 appropriation for continuing construction Case, N. L., of terrace and grand stnirways of"2)8, 497 deficiency appropriation for refund of fines, for care and genera repairs of . 208, 497 etc .. . .. PAO for telegraph to connect, with Depart- Casey, B. W, · ment, ew . . ... 217, 503 payment to .. .. . . .-.- 555 for lighting the .. .-.- . 208, 497 Caakcy. William, Capitol Grounds, psymentto ... . ... 572 appropriation forimprovement of; proviso 208, 497 Caasau, Solomon, for ighting, etc .. . ...-20;*,497 payment to --.. .. .. .· -.-- -.-· 580 Capitol.Na¢5o1•al Bank, Lincoln, Nebr., Cassidy, Margaret, name of the Marsh National Bank of Liu- relief of .. . . . ... -. .. 545. 606 coin, changed to .-.. 19 Caalleman, Margaret, Ugpiml Pony, payment to administrator of .. ..-. 556 gppygppigtjon fm- pay of. . --.. .. 162, 391 Catalogue of Covemmrnt Publications, fg; contingent fund of tho, ,...,... 162,391 apipropriation for completion of the ... 225 deficiency, for extra pay to the .. . . 469 0I' publishing H10 -·:-·- ·--· - --·- : -··-- · 5N denciency appropriation for payment of 251 printipg and distribution of, authorized. -. uniforms for . . . $00 -----··· - ----------· ~ ----- ~--··--·- com mation for July, IBU4, payment ot, Catan, Moses, Pcauthorized, em . . . .. 278 payment to .---...-·--· ·- ----~ ··-· 656 Captain and Co., Cates, Reuben L. mjmimwemmp gy ,,,,,,,,.. . ,.,.. 370 Cpagrment to execntorof . . . 556 Cardwell Thomas . a 2 e. payment to ... , . .. . . . .. 572 purohnaf of, hom Indiana prohibited; pen- 94 Caro, aty . . ... .. .. ,...,. unlading, of coal, salt, railroad iron, etc.. . 60 appropriation to estaiihsh and mamtam Carldon, Mona E, quarantine stations, etc., for xmtn be paid as second liwtennut. .. 679 ported, - . . . ...-... · 356 Carlisle, Pa., I d h I for preventing spread of plcuro-pneumo-31 355 appropriation for su rt of u inn ¤¤ 00 11i4\ ¤¤¥0¤ ---· - -·-·· -- ·-·- - -···--·~ » PP gt .. - ..- ... - . 91,381 act for establislnnent of Bureau of animal Carlin': Band of Flathead Indiana, Indust to prevent exportation of appropriation for support. ¤w..¤!.. .. .90,317 names .· .-.. .. ..- 31 Carroll Daniel, Catan, boob, r•1x•}¤t. . . . . ... . . .-.. 5% pnymvnt w ---- -·-- ------ · -·--··—-· - ·--~- W