Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/892

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864 mnmx. pag`, s Page. Comanche Indians, { Commissioner of inlcr·nalRcuuue, _ appropriation for installments, etc., to ..., 78, 364 2 appropriation for persons employed _ in for pupport of ,. -- .. 89,377 Blprelau sdf, countgng and redeeming 2 Comer aaac c ec rs amps e c . payment to administrator of ... . . . 578 { for salaries; etc., in 1otHce of .. _. - j - -. 172, 403 Comer, Jcaso, ~ appoin ment of clerks in office oi, limited. 403 payment to .,.. , . .. .. 555 Q to report to Congress =mnl1ollyh0W_m0De)‘, Commanding Generafs Oplce, Army, F appropriated for punishing violators appropriation for expenses of .. . . 107,356 of iuterplal—reVeDue laws, has beeiém 493 Commerce expende -. .. . . - ..--·· , uppropiiation for collection of statistics for Commissioner of Labor, _ _ internal and foreign . ... 171 chico of, established; orgamzation, com- Commcrce and Navigation and Regulation of pensatiou, duties, etc -...----------- 60 Steam Vessels, appropriation for S3l8l'l0B, etc., in office of Revised Stgtutes, scc. 4434, relating to, 29 · C the - -}:3:. E. . . 6.3-.208, 419 amen ed · proviso .. ,.,... . . ‘ 8 mnarisoimter 0 Wnrigation, Olllfy - - Commercial Agemti, appointment of] duties, salary, eh; .. ’.- 118 appropriation for salaries of . . . . . 229, 325 appropriation for salary of .. . . ---- 401 Commercial Intcrcosrsr, additional for clerk acting as - .· 401 treaiy relating to, with Corea .. . . 720 deficiency appropriation for salary of the . 448 Commercial ¥'at£om1l Bank, Chicago, Ill., additional for clerk acting as ... 448 increase 0 capital stock of the author- Commissioner of Patents ized .. .- . . .. . . 337 appropriation for compensation of, and as- Commiasury—GcneraI, Army, sistaut, clerks, etc .. . . 187, 418 appropriation for salaries, etc., in officego for expenses of deiending suits against.- 419 0 . . . - . . . . 1 411 Commissioner of Pensions Commission, , l appropriation for salaries, etc., in offico of . 186, 417 appointment ot} to select lands, etc., for appointments intl1c oillce of the, limited-- 417 lxillot ment to Indians in Umatilla I deficiency appropriatiotn for contingent ex- 244 eservatiou .. . . . ... 341 penses in officc o . . . Commaaoon on Damnation of Waalmagtmr Mon- g Commissioner of Railroads, uncut, * appropriation for salaries, etc., in office of appropriation fotr printing report of ... 344 I tho . . . . . .. . . - 188, 419 lor payment o secretary o .. . .. 394 Commissioners Commission, Scientific, to visit Central and South America, etc., _ appropriation for conduct of national con- appointment of ; duties; compensaierence of electricians, etc., appoint- tion; appropria.tion_ _,,., _ , ,,,, 235 ment oi, by the President authorized. 194 secretary to; compensation ..., . . .. 2*35 for expenses of ith:; proviso . ... 194 appointment on for appraisement, etc., of out ority etc., o 1 e .. ... - ... 194 Sac and Vox and Iowa. Indian lands. 351 Cmnmisaiosrrrof Apricullurc, t_ f tb ctc appraise andcsell lots in Peru, Iowa 436 appropriation or compeusa ion o e ·ommisaion¢ru o ici ice · elerksz ctc . . - . . . -336,353 appropriation for salaries xinder the .. 166, 395 for establishment and maintenance of Cmnmiaaimaera of District of Columbia, quarantine stations, to be expended appropriation for salaries oil Engineer Comb}` the .-...-..---· . .·... - . ---207,356 missioner, and of secretary, clerks, to enable tbo,to prevent sptrpud of pleuro-31 355 etc.], inhoifce of the -.. 123, 311 DD6¤lD0!|Z|-3 1I1D011g e3 0 ----.. - ---- , to onab e the to maintain order durin authoiiizgd to organize Bureau of Animal 31 pleremongggf inauguration of D Tlstty etc. .-. --. . . . . ent in " ___,__ _ _________ _ ______ 303 to matse report on purchase and distribu—3B 355 may applfdunexptgnded lbzlanccs and spe- 10¤0 ---- -- --------- - ---. ---- , cia oposi ince in aces.- .. 63 printin§ copicls of gupucl {eport of the, an- to makeboseparato contracts For materials, _ orizc · is n u 1on· appropna- a, r, etc ,,_,,, , _,___ _ _____ ____ ____ 1g,; t10H ---- ,- --------..--- Z-- .--... --277,520 accounts of, for materials purchased, etc,, to report to Qongress expenditure of ap- to be settled, gm , ___________ __ ____ _ 125 propriation for Department for prior to visit, investigate management of, and _ nscal year .--. . .---.---..-.. 356 make report to Congress on all insti- Comaoamonerof Custom, _ _ tntnons of charity, etc ... . . . 127 appropriation for salaries, etc., momce of.168,398 to aid in entbrcin laws relating to protecclaims allowed by the. -. -. . .257, 472 tion of ohil%ren . ...,,.. .‘. -. 302 Commnsmouerrof Education, _ to regulate fares of public couveyances appropriation for compensation of clerks, from February 22 to March 6, 1885.. 304 etc., in office of ... ,-.. 188,419 to report to Congress number of, and C printing and distribution of report of ..274, 519 amount paid, temporary inspectors of gmmiggigpgr of General Land Ojfggi ggw3]_·g_ _____ ____ _________ ______ __" 312 apgppggriog :0;::1.::13 log', c1;zrksi);>iI§;-..186, 416 to apply materipl gonhpermit work to imc . _ n an pu new provemen o a 0 s t . · i .. 313 DBP of NIB United _S¢¤feS- .-.. . ----. 210 not to make contracts t%r’il|3Q{%3¥¤? for to enable the, to continue to reproduce period longer than one year 315 worn and deiaced oihcial plats of sur- 498 to deduct from pny of policemen and nrereys, ctc ...- . .--- . ---...----. - ---. men for relief f d ..-. 1 delitnepcy, creppaslncing otllcial sur- 461 t requisition: by 3:, ouullnited States Treas- J 6 ·;·_ s in o ..,... -. ur , im' - ,_,_,,. _,,. ,.,,.,. Cmqinrieeiorgcr of I iedian Ajlairs, Q authorizgd to e;nmiue claim of Outorbridgs 319 xi propmmou lor salary ol} clerks, ctc 186, 416 I Honey, assignee ... I'.. . 4W