Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/911

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INDEX. 883 Pa e. • P Huyv, Mile 0-, B . Hmrqy, Levi, ig" P¤§j!¤¤¤t to 5d¤1i¤i¤il'¤t0l'0f -... - . -.-- 559payment to administrator of. . .. .. 573 Hdyiv, . Hercloer, Ferdinand, prvwcoi of agreement with, for submission pension rc, increased ... -. .. . . 703 of 0l3i1HSOflADLODi0 Pelletier and A. Herman, Boker and Company, H. Laznre to arbitration . . . 785 payment m ________,______,__,____,___ ___ 257 Hazlezrood, John, » Herndon, John C., i)6¤Si0l1 fc -~ · ~ --- » -·-..· . . . .. . . -. 666 ‘ payments to, for hay lost . . 676 Health Department, D. C., I appropriation for. . . . . . . 676 appropriation for ... 130, 318 He;·y:don, Mary 1+],, Health Ujicar, D. U., · deiiciency appropriation for payment to.. 18 printing extra. copies of annual report of Herndon, Thomas H., the; diStl‘ibuti0¤ -... .. 268, 335 I printing of eulogies on late, authorized- .. 271 Heap, G. H., ; Herrifvrd, John, payment to .-.. .. . ... 447 I payment to. . ,.. 560 Heath, Jesse W., Herring, William, payment to .. ---. 573 pension to. .. . . . . . . . . 629 Hearing Apparatus for Public Buildings, Herron, mllwm, appropriation for, under control of Treas- payment to. . . . . . 573 my Department . . ... . .205, 495 Hershey, Jacob, Hoge, Jacob B., payment; to .. . . . . 580 payment to .. . ... 580 Haas, William J., Heine, Walliam, pension to . - ... .. 609 payment to .-.. . . 585 Hath. Laviaa (widow), Hcl¢na,Mo1•t., pension to .. -.. . . 654 appropriation for salaries and expenses at Hewitt, Elbert, assay 0Nce .. . .--. 177, 408 pension tc, increased- --.- .. . . 655 deficiency for expenses of assay 0E0e Heyl’s United States Dalia on Imporio, at . 449 _ appropriation for copies of; distribution,. 225 Hall Gate, N. Y., Hiawasaec River, Tenn., · appropriation for removal of reef of ... 138 a. propriaticn for improvement of. --.. 142 for electric lights at 197 Hiclitan, John IL, for lease of ground for, etc ... --- 197 payment w. . .. . . . ... 560 Helsol, Michael (or Hdtzol), Hickman, Ky., payment to . . .. . . . . - . 580 appropriation for improvement and preser- Hellon, Catharine, vation of harbor at . . - . 146 pension to . . . .. . . 703 Ecka, E. P., Hemingway, Joaepli, payment to. . . ... ‘ 578 payment to.. . . . . 578 Hiaronymla, T. F., Henderson, Hiram C., payment to . . 573 pension t0. ..-. . --. . . 587 Higbce, Nathaniel, Hggdqnqg, John 0., payment to administrator of.. .. . . 578 payment to administrator of . .. --. 559 Higgins, Isabella, Hondcroon, Mary, ‘ pension to -..·-·-- -·· --·--------·-·-- 637 payment to., . . .- . . .. 559 Higgins, J M., Esq];-iz, Charly, _ Hpayment t0.. .. . . . . . .·.. · 559 pension restored to .. - . - . .-·-· 661 ‘9hUGy|i Heudrit, John, all, dee and post-routes - . 3 Payment t0..,- .,.. ..-- ---. -... ..---. 560 Hilchef, FI'6d€H0l¢ I (07 Himdf), Hunan Bfvilvv, ‘ payment to ..-- - . ., .. 578 payment to .. ...-..- . 257 Hildlldl, JGODD B., Henning, Joh, payment t0-. . . . ... . . 581 payment to administrator of . . 578 Hill, Charles, Hwy, €¤¢l•¤ri·•¢, vaymeni to ·--- ---------· - ----- · -·--- 559 peuaion tu. ,.., -- ,,..,, .. , . ., . .. . . 548 Hill, Charly; E., Henry, David, payment to executors nf,. ... - 4% payment tg ,,,_,_,, ,,,_ ,-,,,. ,...,,.. .--. 573 Hill, (lah6g1H,, Henry, {mq M., political disabilities removed ... . . 620 payment to executors of. . . . . 560 Hill, John WZ, Henry, Jasper J., payment to ..-- . . .. . . 583 pension to. --.. .. 643 Hill, Jonaclnzxn, to f 578 Henry Job?. and Conpa paymen o execu ro . . . . . . . , pgygnggt gg ____,_,_,,, 12:,., ,,,. , ... 453 Hlllard, Frank S., Henry,' Joh P., pension to .. . .-- . . . --. 609 pgyjggit $0 ____ __,,,.,. .,.. - . $0 Hulwfd, John, _ _ Henry, Joseph, deceased, payment to administrator of .. 550 deficiency appropriation for expense of Hillsborough National Bank, Hrllaboroagh, 9., freight, etc., on statue od'. . . 246 authorised to we name to First plauon- Bnry, Mary A., a1Bank of illsborougb, Ohio; provvnnicn to ·... . ..-.. - -.··· . .-... . ...-- 598 viw --.. · - . . ·..--. . .-·- 280 Hum mauié we mpi:}" HT;" ssa l¤0¤$ - -------···--~-·····--····--·- ¤¤¤¤ --··~- - -·--·------ - ·-··- - -·--~ Hg:;, Seanad, Hilton, Jane (widow), Wyman; to _______ _ _,_____,_ , _,,,,, ,,,,,. 559 pension to . . . . . .. .·.. . ... 647 Hur), IY. B., ¤ Honda, Howard DC, payment to .. .. ·· 560 { PlY1¤¤¤* W ~-···- - ----· · ·--······-··- ·-·· 673