Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/916

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888 mnnx. nge. P¤z¤· Iowa, Jamison, George W, _ appropriation for expenses of special mes- payment to admi111¤t1‘¤·t0l‘ of --------·----- 579 sen ger sent for certificate of electoral Jamison, Scum11R., vote of, for President and Vice-Presi- payment to . ...- · ------ - -----·----- -- ··-- 256 dent of the United States. .. 283 Jones (or James), Iaeuw L., _ for salaries, etc., in odico of surveyor- payment to ...-.---- --- --·· - ---··---- 5·3 general of .. . .. 190. 421 i Jauilorv. terms of circuit and district courts for appropriation for pay of - ..-.. - ------- ; -224, 5U northern dim-ict of .. . .. :5 deiiciency appropriation for pay oi} uwstestablishment of branch home for disabled out custodians, etc ------ - ---------· I6 volunteer soldiers and sailors in, au- Japancw junk, thorized . . . . . . . 120 appropriation to pay claim of owners of .. - 496 Iowa Indiana, Jaques, W. H., appropriation for interest, etc., to the . 80, 368 payment to .. . ... . . . . 461 tor interest, etc., on nou·paying stocks Jarnl, Samual, held in trust for 96, 383 payment to . - .. . . 576 Hon- Clad Monitors, Jarrett Lvelinc, 4 _ appropriation for care, ctc., of 292 payment to .. . . . . 576 of 1863 for engines aud machinery for, Jcfera, Lucy llc G. (widow), , reappropriated .. ... . . . . 291 pension to, increased .---- 617 Iron Mounlain Railroad, Jeferaon City, Mo., _ act granting certain lands, etc., to, re· appropriation for completion of public pooled . ... . 61 building at .. - .. -. . 480 Iron, Railroad, Jcfvruon, Tex., unlading of cargoes of} imported, etc .. 60 tems of United States courts at. . . ... 48 lwin, Nathaniel, Jejray, Rosa Vertner, payment to .. .- .. 560 claim ot, referred to Court of Claims; pro- Ir-ving, William, viso . . .. . .. - .~. 586 increase of pension to .. .. 601 Jqfries, Thomas, Isley, John, pension to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680 payment to administrators of. .--- 560 Je le, Albert, · Ilaly, pension to . . . . . . . 535 declaration with, concerning trade-marks., 726 Jenkins, Daniel P., ‘ Izremon, Aqfred, appropriation for payment of judgment of political disabilities removed. ---. EM Court of Claims in favor of; proviso. 241 Inca, l'I•i•u:aa 11, Jenkins, William J., payment to .. . ... -. .. 453 payment to . ... . . . .. . 453 Jennings, J. B., I. payment to .. . . . . 95 Jewell, W S., J. Don Cameron (Gozrenunent simmer), payment to .. .. ..- . -. 458 appropriation for relicfof suferers by loss Jobes, Richard, . J k o;`jéi ... . . .- .. 637 peugiogto 5 . .. . ... . .. 604 ' ac son, mon ., John . cu an Oongny, payment to administrator of.. .. .. 561 payment ts? .. . ... ---. 453 Jackson, Andrew W., Johnson, A. A., payment to .. . ... 500 · payment to . L . . . . 468 Jackson, Archibald, Joluuon, Benjamin, payment toheirs at law of . . . . 576 payment to of . ..-. 560 J¢ckuo1•,_D¤nicl, Johnson, D. IK, payment to executor of .. - 560 payment to . . . . ...,.. 251 Jaokoon, Harlan, Johnson, Mrs. E. J. (fonwrly E.J.Brid;•mter), pension to . . ... .. ..-. N5 payment to . . . ... 560 Jackson. Misa., Johmon, Hiram, school building at, for education of colored payment to administrator of ..,... 561 people, to be constructed, etc. .. 21 Johnson, J. B., appropriation for court-Louse and post- payment to _... . . .- .,.,,, ,_-, ,,__ 560 omce at . . . . 195 Johnson, Jane, for furniture, carpets, etc., for public payment to adininistmtor of .. 560 building . . -;. ..-... 206 Johnson, Jenni; E., Jackson, Tens., pension to .. . ... -... .. .. - 625 approprint ion for approaches, etc., to public Jolmaon, John, building at ..-. 480 pension to . . . .. .. -... 626 Jackson, Wilson, “Johnson, John H, payment to .. . . . ... .. 560 cnsion to . . . . . .. 665 Jacobs, Elizabeth. Jognsow, Soaanoh, payment to .- .. .. . . . . 581 payment m executors of . ... .. 560 Joann G. Hotchkiss Mulch Company, Johnson, Tho¤•a• R., payment to . . ,... ..., 4e payment to. , ,. . .,.,,.,.,,, . ,,.., , _ _ , 584 Jones, Iaaac. Johnson. William, , payment to .. --.. .. . . 560 payment to . ,,,,,,.,,, , ,__,_____________ 551 Janus Burn, Va., Johnson, William B., appropriation for improvement of, deopm- payment to adminugnqk °{ _____ __ ______ 560 ing channel`. .. 138 John", Woody, 7}, Jann Sauce! Natiosncl Bank of Nebraaka Cuy, puyjnqut fg __,______ ___ ________ _ _____ ____ 573 name of tho, changed to Merchsntd No- Johnston, Jana D., tional Bank . . . . 5 disabiiiuu mmqyqq ______ __ ____ ____ ______ 533