Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/918

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890 INDEX. rage. I Pure- Kearley, William, , Kilo, George WZ, payment to .. - ... - ... 561 · payment to ...-----------·- - · ·---·· - ---·· 576 Kearney, Edward S., . Killiek Shoal, Chincoteague Bay, Va., _ appropriation for settlement and paymentappropriaitpon for establishment of light 19 of accounts of ..., . . . . . . 466 = au:. 0g—¤ig¤n 0n ---------·-- - -·--- 7 Keaton, John H., Kiymlrick, Judson, deceased, payment to .,..,. .--. .. . ,,... 561 g payment to widow of ...- . ...-- · -··-- ---- 194 Kwqfduver, Jacob, Kilpatrick, Louisa K de, payment to .. . . . . .--. 581 . p€uSi011 to . - - ----- ·--· ·-·--- ---· — 539 Keefer, L J., i Kincaid, James, _ payment to . . . . . . 95 * payment to ..-- -- ---·------ · --··- J6 Keen, William, I King, James, payment to _--- , . ... - 561 I pension to ... . . . · . ---·- · ----· 541 Keepers of LU`:-Sai.-ing Stations, , King, James, appropriation for salaries of. -. .. 198, 486 { pension to ..-. · ---.-· - ----- - ----- 610 Keepers of L·ight·Houses, King, Leonard, appropriation for salaries of . 200, 487 I pension to. . .--.--·---- ·--· ------ 666 Kejfer, Henry, Kinman, William E, payment to . . -.-. 581pension to. .. . . . ·...---..---- 698 Kelchcr, 12 B., Kinney, Joel F., payment to . ... .-.. .. 468 payment to . ... . ...-. .- .. 452 Keller, Thomas A., Kinyon, Wright and Company, payment to . . ---- 576 duties refunded to, for lumber burnt ; pro- 668 Kelley, Honora, viso. . . ...-.. - ---- · ·.·- ...- ` pension to . . . 589 Kiowa Indians, Kellogg, Augustus G., appropriations for installments, ctc., t0. ..78,364 payment of judgment of Court of Claims for support of the -. .. - . 89, 377 in favor of .. . . . 240 Kirk, James D., Kelly, John G., pension to . . ...· 645 payment to . . .--- 561 Kirlley, William H., Kelly, Marlin, · payment to adminietratrix of .. . . . 573 increase of pension .- . 536 Kinrin, Kuna., Kelly, Samanl a L., donation of certain United States lands in, payment to .. . ... 561 for cemetery .. . . . . - 345 Kennedy, Jamea, Kiaer, George FK, payment to administrator of . . --.. 583 pension to . . . ---- 642 Kennedy, Sarah (widow), Kiolingbury, Douglaa E. L., pension to . . .--- . 626 pension to .. 2... . 700 Kenney, George, Kisliugbury, Harry H] G., payment to administrator of . . .-.. 561 pension to .. . . . . . 700 Kenosha, Wie., Kialiugbmy, Waltcrjrederick, appropriation for improvement of harbor i pension to . . . . . .. . . . . 700 at .. ... . . .. 137 Q Kislingbury, Wheeler Schojeld, Kaul, Steamship, » pension to .. --- .. 700 inspection of boiler of the, authorized . 154 I Kitlrell, S. B., Kentucky River, Ky., uyment to . . 561 appropriation for improvement of . 142 { Kamath Agency, Keokuhloma, appropriation for support of Klamath and erection of public building at, authorized- 320 i Modoe Indians at the- _ .,... 90, 378 appropriation for purchase of site and com- Klamath Indians, pletion of public building at -. . 481 appropriation for installments, etc. to Kcorgwr, the . . . . 1..-82,369 payment to executors of Charles E. Hillfor for suppo;-z of the ______ ____ __;,,, ______ 90_ 378 loss of steamer. . - . . 436 l Klingcl, Daniel H, Kepncr, L. C., payment to _,__ ____ ____ _ _____ ____ ________ 5g] payment to . . . . . . . . . . 581 ! Kaawbcr, Mary A., Knraunce, Wir., ! pension to ,___,_ _ ____________ _ _____ _ _____ 623 appropriation for improvement of harbor l Kniclc, Calvin L., at .. . . . ... - 137 pension to . ,, _ ,,,_,________________,_ 684 Key West, Fla., Knowles, R. S., appropriation for marine hospital - 195 payment to _ _____ _ _________ ____ __________ 573 for erection of public building,etc.,nt., 336 Q .Kno¤¤lto»,Fran¢-is J., _ for r·.mge—lightsforNorthwester¤ Passage 485 · payment to gdmjuhtntgg of ______ _ _______ 579 Keys, Knox, George WC, appropriation for, for postal service .. 157,386 l payment to ., , ,,, ,.,, _ ___ ___,_, _ ___,, 450 Kiokapoo Indians} dm { Knox, Samuel W2, appropriation or support, ctc., e. 81.,368 * payment to ,,_,,_ _ _____ _ _____ __ ____ 55; _ I · » • Kidd, Edmund, _ , Koullc, Andrew J., pnymenr to widow of ,... . .,...,,,, , ,..,, 56] $ pomwn to ______ _ _____ ____ _ ____ ____ ______ my Kidd, Jejibrwu, § Eoolenay Indiana, payment to . ... .. . ... 561 § appropriation for nent to, for ri t of K~¤M· Jimi W. e way, em.; xim ..,. ,... so approprxatnon for payment of judgment of j Kramer, Edemrd. _ Court of Claimsin fsvorof; proviso- 241 2 pmmon go, 5,,;,,,,,,,,,] ___,_ _ ____ _ ____ _ _____ 584 Kifbourn, Hollel, i Ercgcr, Martin, payment to .. .. . . . . .. 467 i payment to .. . ... -.. -... .,... 581