Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/92

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64 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 14:2, 143. 1884. l voidable obstruction to navigation; and in no case shall there_be permitted any breaking of the original packages of such merchandise, _ M¤P<>h=*-¤di¤¤ Sec. 6. That merchandise so destined for immediate transportation g‘;“Sf§’;f‘},,;‘Q, T5; shall be transferred, under proper supervision, directly from the im- ,,m`,l,»_`pporting vessel to the car, vessel, or vehicle specified in the entry pro- ` vided for in Section two of this act," Approved, July 2, 1884. July 2, 1884. CHAP. 143.-An act to amend chapter twenty of the Revised Statutes relating to i-———-— the District of Columbia, concerning mechanics’ liens. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United lvleohanicyliens. States of America in Congress assembled, That every building hereafter I 1)**%******* °f C°· erected or repaired by the owner or his agent in the District of Colum- °§bé"b C cha bia, and the lot or lots of ground of the owner upon which the same is go, gu{,,,,5e{f_ P' being erected or repaired, shall be subject to a lien in favor of the con- _ Who may have tractor, subcontractor, material-man, journeyman, and laborer, respect- . h°¤· ively, for the payment for work or materials contracted for or furnished for or about the erection, construction, or repairing of such building, and also for any engine, machinery, or other thing placed in said build- Noticetobetiled. ing or connected therewith so as to be a fixture: Provided, That the person claiming the lien shall tile the notice prescribed in the second Lam not to ox. section of this act: Provided further, That the said lieu shall not exceed amount of ceed or be enforced for a greater sum than the amount of the original °""é'”“1 °°°*¤*°°- contract for the erection or repair of said building or buildings. Tiuio and p1¤ee Sec. 2. That any person wishing to avail himself of the provisions of

  • `°*‘ mms ¤°*¤°°· this act, whether his claim be due or not, shall file in the office of the clerk

of the supreme court of the District of Columbia, during the construction or witslhinlthree itigmths aftearl the completion tif such building or repairs, or the p acing erein or jacent thereto 0 an eng1n' e, machinery, or other thing as aforesaid, a notice of his inteuhon to hold a lien gpon the; property dsclarted lby this acllililixle tosuch liien {ortho amount ue or o become ue o im, spec` c settin ort the amount Notices to be re- claimed. The clerk aforesaid shall iile ouoleooni gich noticein a book °°*d¤<l· provided for that purpose. Priority ofliens; Sec. 3. That the lien hereby given shall be preferred to all judgucepncm- ments, mortgages, deeds of trust, liens, and incumbrances which attach upon the said building or the ground aforesaid subsequent to the commencement of work on said building; and all incumbrances and liens (other than those which attached thereto prior to the commencement of said building or repairs) which by the laws of this District are required go ple recorded shall giefposltpgnedto said liens unless recorded prior 0 e commencemen o said lll mg or re airs. When_ lien to Sec. 4. That when an owner of lands coutliacts with a builder for the '

I;°0{_*F¤°¤*l'3 °¤· sale of lots and tlhe erection of builalirilgsghereoni apd agrees to advance

‘ moneys owar the erection o `sucin s the ien ereinbofore authorized shall have priority to all advances gnaide after the filing of said ntotilces of lien, and tlieblieplshall aétachgo tha right, title}, and interest o . e owner in said ui in an an to the extent o all advances which shall have become duegfter the filing of such notice of such lien, and shall also attach to and be a hen on the right, title, and interest oi the person so agreeing to purchase said land at the time of the filing of said notices of lien. When a building shall be erected or repaired by a lessee or tenant for life or years, or a person having an equitable estate or interest in such building or the land on which it stands, the lien cre· • ated lay this tact slzall only exgend to and cover the interest or estate of suc essee, enan , or equita e owner. _ Ifroceediugs in $110.5. That the proceedings to enforce the lien created by this act ¤¤¤¢>¤· shall be by bill in equity, which shall contain a brief statement of the contract on which the claim is founded, the amount due thereon, the