Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/927

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INDEX. 899 . . . . Fw- Pam- Muualera Blqnpolmtzary, Mississippi Rive·r—Contim1e<l. J;qp r¤p§;=¤¥};¤¤; for salemes ot ... -.. .228.322 dum across the, at Saint- Cloud, Minn., anpmp grg fegr gpg , ( orjzed ______________ _____ _____ _ 1*4 approprgahon for salaries of . , ..228,3%,323 construction of bridge over the, at Saint 0 at Haytx accredxtcd as chargé d’aH`aires to Paul, Minn., authorized .--. 104

     S=1£ to £og;ir;go . .. .  . .. 228, 323 between Hastings and Red Wing; pro-    

nu; gr; on a gg, vigg __________________ _ _ ____ _____ • 8 cleiicicnoy of {appropriation for salaries of . . 254 between Hastings and S3iDtP$ul; proviso 286 Mmmnpolgs, Mann., at Memphis, Tenn . ... - . 332 Mgppropniratrgu gorgnostéoigco pt- .5 QH- .i 195, 481 at Rock Island, Ill . 443 muapo ns, au an ans an an ic Mississippi River Cmmnisafon, Bathvay Company, appropriation for improvement of the D87- authorézodxg consig-uct budge across the igazion of tho Mississippi River to

 sm rmx vsr  . . be expended por p ans, ctc., of tho-. 1

Mumcsola, appropriations to be expended in accordestablnsluneut of bralnch home for disabled ance with plans, estimates, ctc., of volunteer soldiers and smlors m, su- the _ ____, ____ __: ,,__,,_ _ __________, 146 tbonrcd . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 120 appropuatxon for salanes, oto., of tho .. 220 approprmtxon for salaries in the omcc of Missouri, surjcyor-general of .. . . 190, 421 doiiciency appropriatnou to pay State of,

 for iontxufcnt expenses of .. . ... 209 account;; tivo, three, and two por

imyr oise . centum d, otc . .. 255 Payment to .: .. .- . ... 453 establishment of branch homo for disabled Manta ond Assay Ojlqea, volunteer soldiers and sailors in, audciimcncy apprognftion for miscellaneous thorized .. . 120 expenses 0 t o .. . . ---. 44 Miuquri River Minte, Bureago of, appropriation for maintenance of post-

;[;pr<;nrl;:;o§ izr contingent expenses of. 175, 402   llghts ancabnogg cnnété . .   .. 200, 

vn • ·m a a or rom mon o noux 1 owa Bureau of tho, arppropriation for; coutin— for; from Sioux City, Iowa, t§,Fort Bon-

 §ent;§p;nmg, em ,_.. ... ... 132 ton, Mont  , ,...,,.,, 145

or hi a e p is . . - 175,4 for sm; -bost . . 145 {or gan Egancisco .. . ..,...,... 172,:36 for inrécy of tho, above Missouri River or ow rlosms . . . , . . 7 , n11s .. . . . . . ... 1 for Denver , . . 176, 407 for mmovnl of snags hom the . - 145 for Carson- - - . . . . . 176, 407 construction of bridge across tho, in Richfor assay officcs and . . ... . . - ; - - 175, 406 ardson Coun|;§ Nebraska, authorized 45 deficiency uppmoristion for miscellaneous at Lomvonxionh, ans -. .. . 21 cxponseso . .. ..--.- · a.cSiboy o . . 7 Miademeanor, at Whito’Cloud Kaus .. .--. -... 113 persons violating provisions of not relating Nebraska Central Railway Company au-

 go Chiués; immigration guilty of,--. 117 tkorizod to construct n bridge across  

onion gency, ., t o --.. . . . ... .. appropnéiatiou for support, ctc., of I!1di8DB Mu•wHB::e;• Cé•:•nbdm s .. . . . . . --... ‘,. tocousi , o . Miaoisaippi Chippewa Indiana appointment of commissioners oto. · com-

•ppmpri•$iou for support: ctc., of .. .. 89,377 psnsstixin, duties, powers  1  144, 145

iaaisaqqri ioor Jlitohcll, A fred ., sppropx·iat.ion’for continuing the improve— pmmogto . . 563 mont of ,... . . .. .. . . 1 Mit ll arriama, for sxnmnezdm of depth of water, ctc., pmfn;o .. .. ... 684 at Sou .. . . . . .-.. 4 i , amos, for gauging the waters of the . .. 4 payment to .. . ... 562 for work on reservoirs at headwaters of Mitchell, John, tho; proviso . .. 145 payment to .. . . . . 563 for improvement ot] from Saint Paul to Mitchell, W H., Dos Moines Rapids .. . . . 145 payment to . - ..-..-.. 563 for gotection of bank oi at Winona, Mobile, Ala., inn .,..,. . -.- 145 appropriation for improvement of river md for improvement of, at Des Moines Rap- hsrlaor at . . . . ... l35 ids Iowa .,.. . . . . . . 46 ooouén or ntenlnea vcr, for improvement oiQ hom Dos Moines ug ropriatiou for improvement of . 139 Rapids comouth of Illinois River.-.- 146 Mo lgy, Enoch, froénirnogth oflllinois River to month of £3yu;ox;: to administrator of .. . . . . 563 o iver .. . . oc n an from head of the passes to Cairo. . 146 spmmpriation for support of tho .. .:.. 90 for ygoloction of easterly bank of tho, at or snpnort ot; rosading lu tho Indu¤a nm .. . .,..,.. ,.-. ern ry .,,.. . ,... ,... , for removal of msgs. etc., from tho. 146 for installments, ctc., to the .. . . 8:2, 369 for egmminstions and surveys at South for snpport, ctc., ot} of Klamath Agency. 378 ass . ... .. . olwaa for gagging Voters of the lower, and ;pproiErl¤tion for comrrlotiou of --. 292 tri atm-ies,. . -. oioties cuatomswcvcnuc for surveys of the, for ycrmanont im- sggropristion for comprensatiou in lieu of.206,495 amour of entire nver .. .-.. 147 dmciappmpdsmn for oomponsauou for lghtlng and buoying tho .. . . 487 in 'ou of .. - .- . ·.--··--- Z39