Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1036

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.ie1znni1nNT.nGYPr. Novmmm 16, iss; 1007 Any refusal to make the declaration on arrival or departure, any delay in making the said declaration, or any excess or 'deticiency found to exist between the goods and the declaration shall furnish ground for the imposition of the fines provided for by the Egyptian custom-house regulations, in each of the cases specified. i Anrrcmc XIII. The custom-house officers, the omcers of the vessels belonging to the Egyptian Right of Egyp. postal-service, and the officers of national vessex may board any sailing or steam- mm gmc5B1s to vessel of less than two hundred tons' burden, be at vessel at anchor or tacking, at Search vusds not a distance not exceeding ten kilometers from the shore, without furnishing evidence exceeding you kiof ria major ; they may ascertain the nature of the cargo, seize any prohibited goods, ]0m6|;°;·s [mm the and secure evidence of any other infraction of the customs regulations. shore. Amucnn XIV. Any illicit importation of goods shall furnish ground for the eonllscations and lines Condsca t i o n s provided for by tho Egyptian customs regulations. and dues for illicit Decisions ordering contiscations and lines shall be communicai ed, within the period importations. fixed by law, to the Greek consular officer. Anrxcm XV. It is understood that this convention can in no wise impair the administrative Administrative rights of the two contracting Governments, and that they may enforce any regula- rights not impairtions calculated to promote the emciency of the service and the repression of fraud. ed. Anucin XVI. ‘ The proposed convention shall be operative for seven years from the twentieth day Duration of this of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four. convention. At the expiration of that period, the present convention shall remain in force during the year following, and so on irom year to year, until one of the contracting parties shall notify the other of its desire for the cessation of its effects, or until the conclusion of another convention. . Annrnoxn. An·ncLn. The eifect of the modifications in the present jariif which are provided for in article A 5 op no ¤ of IV., shall be suspended until those modifications have been adopted by the other mcdigcagjom gf 1><>w¤¤¤ i¤¢¤r¤¤¤=d- _ _ _ m-ur by me mmln testimony whereof, the undersigned have signed the present convention. cute;] powers, Done in duplicate at Cairo this third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four. N. NUBAR. AN. BYZANIIOS.