Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1105

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1078 INDEX. Page. Page. E:clradition—Continued. Farwell, Sewall S., appropriation for bringing home persons payment of judgment of Court of Claims to. 280 charged with crime . . . 110, 480 Faulk, Lbs. Julia (formerly Crenshaw), convention with Italy extended to crime of payment to .. . . . . 659 kidnapping . . . . 1001 Foulk, Louisiu, treaty with J apun ... . 1015 payment to administrator of. . .. .. 659 Eyerly, Daniel H., Faulkner, H. H., payment to .. .-.. .. . . .. -- 965 refund of internal-revenue tax .. . . 791 Eyerly, lhmry, Fayal, payment to administrator of .. 965 1 appropriation for consul at .. ---.113, 484 Feather River, Cal., I:`. appropriation for improvement of; proviso 326 Factories, D. C'., Fcchét, Edmond G., U. S. A., tohave fire-escapes and stand-pipes, if over record of, corrected; proviso .. . .. 429 50 feet high 365 Feeback, Isaac, hallways and stuirways to be lighted; payment to .. . . . . .-. . -- . . 779 alarms .-.. . ... 365 Feeblo-Minded Children, D. C., Fagala, Adam, appropriation for education of .. 241, 528 payment to .. 757 deficiency appropriation for education of.. 264 Fain, Margaret S. (widow), Fees, Judicial, pension .. ..- . ... . 864 deficiency appropriation for. . .7, 291, 299, 302, 304 Fairhaven, Musa., Fees, Money Order, light established on bridge between New reduction of, on amounts less than five dol- Bedford and . . . . .. .. 142 lars .. . . -. . 86 1`airlce Greek, Md., Fees, Shyzping, appropriation for survey of. .. .-.. 332 certain, abolished .. . . 79 Fairport, Ohio, measuring and certifying tonnage .. 79 appropriation for improvement of harbor . 314 license . 80 A Fai! , John P., certificate of registry, record or enroll- ‘ payment to administrator of . - . . .. 778 ment, indorsements, and on bond and Fakea, Mrs. Mary, oath . . . . . . 80 payment to .- . .-. 942 ‘ indorsement of change of master ... 80 Falbe (or Phchrs), Henry, certifying and receiving manifest; maspayment of damages to, Fox and Wisconsin t81"S oath and permit .. . . .. - 80 Rivers. .. . . . . .. 284 permit to touch and trade, licensed ves- Falkenborry, Henry H, sels. . . ... . . ...- 80 - payment-to administrator of .. 942 certificate of payment of tonnage dues . 80 Falkenburg, Elias S., recording bil of sale, hypothecation, payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 277 mortgage, or conveyance ... 80 Falmouth, Musa., discharge of mortgage or hypothecntion 80 appropriation forsurveyofhnrborofrefuge. 332 certificate of title. ... . . S) Falkner, Peter,certificate of protection to seamen .. 80 pension - .. . .. .. - . 747 bill of health .. .-.. 80 Fanshawe and Milliken, . shipping or discharging seamen ..-- B0 payment of j udgment of Court of Claims to. 278 apprentxcing boys to merchant service-, 80 Faris, Charlea B., inspecting, examining, and licensing payment of judgment of Court of Cluimsto. 282 steam vessels; cqrtiticate; copies. . . 80 Faria, Thomas}`., licensing officers -. -..- - 80 payment to . .---- . -...-- . .-..-... 778 Felton, C. X, Fariah, Stephen M., payment to . .-.--..-. 286 payment to administmtrix of, for services Feliz, Celia Ama, as mail contractor in 1861 . - 822 payment to .---.. . . . . ..-.- . .· 943 Farley, George W., Female »S'uj}7·agc, payment to widow of . . .-... . .-... 772 prohibited in Utah. ---. . .-.. -... . 639 Farm Creek, I ll. , Fmnlon, Edward, _ appropriation for survey of. ...-.. . ..- 331 payment of j ndgment of Court 0fCla1mnt0. 786 _· Famer, Barnett, Fenner, Bennett, and Bowman, payment to administrator of .. 650 refund of tax to. ... .. .. .. 801 Farmer, John E, Fentrcaa, William S., payment to administrator of .--. . . 659 payment to administrator of .. .. .. 757 Famer, Jonathan, Ferguson, Alexander M., payment to administrator of. . -... 942 payment to .. . . .. ..-.-. . . 756 Farmer, Richardson P., Ferguson, Daniel 11, . payment to .. . . . . . -.. 942 pension .. .- . . . . . . 694 Farmer, FK UZ, Ferguson, D. G., payment to .. .. L . . . .. 659 payment to .. . . . ..-.-.. . . 772 "Fanmng in Dakota," Ferguson, MZ B., appropriation for purchase of . . . . 535 , payment to . . . . .. , .-.. 672 Farnum, Reuben, Ferguson, Robert E, pension .. .. . . . ... 819 payment to administrator of .. 757 Farquhar, Jlary Howard (widow), Ferguson, Thomas, pension increased .-.. .. .. 831 I pension restored . . .. . 692 Farris, Isaac H. { Ferguson, William, Ffpayment to aciministrator of . . 956 . payment to. . . ... . ... 659 arthing, Enoch, 5 Ferrell. Middleton, \ payment to . . 942 payment to . . . . . . 678