Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/111

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76 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 395-307. 1886. A¤l¤¤q¤100 milps Sec. 0. That said railway company shall build at least one hundred tg b“‘;“¤‘;"*h"; miles of its railway in said Territory within three years after the pas· ,,2),tS g,,.,-msi ° sage of this act, or the rights herein granted shall be forfeited as to that ‘ portion not built; that said railroad company shall construct and maintain continually all road and highway crossings and necessary bridges over said railway wherever said roads and highways do now or may hereafter cross said railway’s right of way, or may be by the proper an- _ _ thorities laid out across the same. C°“‘h"°¤ °*` ¤°· SEO. 10. That the said Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railway shall °°Pt°°°°‘ accept this right of way upon the express condition, binding upon itself, its successors and assign , that they will neither aid, advise, nor assist · in any eifort looking towards the changing or extinguishing the present tenure of the Indians in their land, and will not attempt to secure from the Indian nations any further grant of land, or its occupancy, than is PWM- hereinbefore provided: Provided, That any violation of the condition mentioned in this section shall operate as a forfeiture of all the rights and privileges of said railway company under this act. Record of mort- Sec. 11. That all mortgages executed by said railway company cou- ¤=¤*.:<¢¤- veying any portion of its railroad, with its iranchises, that may be constructed in said Indian Territory, shall be recorded in the Department of the Interior, and the record thereof shall be evidence and notice of their execution, and shall convey all rights and property of said company as therein expressed. ° Right to amend, Sec. 12. That Congress may at any time amend, add to, alter, or re- °*°·v ’°“"°d· peal this act. lint assignnble, Sec. 13. And the right of way herein and hereby granted shall not fi'::' ::d°*:;°:I"{; be assigned or transferred in any form whatever prior to the constructi0,,_ P tion and completion of the road except as to mortgages or other liens that may be given or secured thereon to aid in the construction thereof. _ Approved, June 1, 1886. June l 1886. CHAP. 3 .——An ac to ame see - - -;-1--, Revised Stagiies of the tllnited Slgtesfmou tw my HW hundred and MW two of th. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _c apc Charles States of America in Congress assembled, That paragraph one of section gg?} ,§"··éu&‘; twenty-five hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes of the United ,,1,,,,, of Ch,,,.,.? States be amended by striking out “Cherrystone," in the sixth line, and mm, nnserting in lieu thereof **Cape Charles City," so that it will read ¢¢Cape ·ul:.¤Si§»52,p.503. Charles City shall be the port of entx·y,” and so forth. ’ Approved, June 1, 1886. Jung ;_ g CHAP. 397.-An act to amend an act entitled ** n n ‘

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i o e in ms an ancisco ilwny Company, and for other purposes". Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R resentatives o the nit ti Timieéor cpaple- States of Ainerica in Congress assembled, Tha?so much of sehtion gvefg J3 the act entitled “An act to grant a right of way for a railroad and tele- 1;.,],0,,,, extended graph line through the lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations of two Wm., indians to the Saint Louis and San Francisco Railway Companv and for other purposes ”, approved August second, eighteen hundred and ig. 22, ch. 371. eighty-two, which requires that “ within one year from the date of the P- ·°*¤°¤d¤d· acceptance of this act by said company as herein provided the said company shall file with the Secretary of the Interior a map shdwing the definite location of its line of road and telegraph as designated in the first section of this act, and shall complete the said road and telegraph through the lands of said nations within the further period of one year " shall be, and the same is hereby, so amended that the time withih which said road and telegraph line is required to be completed shall be extended two years from the date of the passage of this act. Approved, June 1, 1886.