Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1146

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INDEX. ] 1 19 . Pnzv- 1 mg -V*"“'l*f• H¢m'.*I• , Jlliami Indians of Kansas, 6. M£:g:$“i;;';;éé·k--· ---· · ·-·-- -·-- ---— 923 f»pp{0pria2ou for fultilliug treaties wimh. .34, 454 f -1 tl Il , I’**¥'"°¤° °*`5¤dg¤¤¤¤¢ of Court <>fC'1¤ims to. 275 Lplrgogglsrion for armament, . . ., . 594. .l1m·rack, Anson C., ; l]];],,,,-,;' AI,,.;,, (wu0w) J}*¤X;;¤€L*¤ ofj;¢lgm€¤t of Court of Claims to- 276 pension ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _______________ 733 V"'! · !!7'¢€ ·, , M ichacl George l’“¥'“°“* W °X°°“t“X °f· -··-- · ·---·----· - 781 , payment to allministratrix of .. . .. 964 -V*"""{· Mar! (¤¢'id0¤¢‘)» · Michaeloifsky, J. G., VI"?'!?');;- · - - -5 --·· -·- · ·..-·-·.·-· - . 805 { refund of tax to. ..,., , ________, _ ____,___, 800 · * ""‘ g *1* 9**8 ·» l Michaela, John, P€¤$*0¤- ~·-· · --··· - --~·· . ..-·· · ··--· . .. . 740 ; c t fd a s ‘ a Vis ns' Jl¤rri¤¢.J- H-. 1 Paym . 264 paymcni of damages to, Fox and Wisconsin f "JIichigan," _ R¤V¢¤`¤ · -·--· - ----· · --------·------- 2% E foreign-built barge, to be registered and - Hvrfnlf, Slephen, Undertaker, | em-0118;] ______ ____________________ 7] dcticiency npgmropriation for expenses, fu- F Michigan Cavalry, First,

 geraba 6;:221*211 Grant .. . ... 6 I deficiency appropriation for travelling cx-

¤¢'¢ M', W -» pauses .. . . 29-2 304, 307 P$):“l€¤t tc - ----- · ··-------------·-·---· · 664 t Michigan, Eastern Judicial District, ’ Jlcrramctber, Kelty, { terms of courts to be held at Bay City 423 P¤5Qm¤‘¤li tv ·---·· - -··· · - ··--- - ··-··-·-· ·- 664 g Michigan Valunlerr Infantry, Twelfth, - ·}!¢1‘P‘¤¤¢'hH’, Thomas W-, · honorable discharges to be issued to cor-

f>¤yment to heirs-at-law of  . .. 664   mu members of ,,,. ,, ..,...,,. 352

era, Andrew, Michigan City, Ind., P¤)'l¤¤}¤|F to -----· · -------..---·----·. 962 appropriation thr improvement of harbor. 315 NWO, Wd?: Z, · Microacopical Division, Departmcretofrsigricultpaymcll 0 .. . . .. ‘ { ur; MGIOa le T0 Agency, apxropriaitions for ,,,_ _ _ , _ ____,, L, _ _ ,,,,,, 100 appropriation for pay of Indian agent at-.30, 450 g or microgcopigt, gm ___, ____ ______ , _,,,, 495 Jlueroic and Trumbndl, 1 for expenses ... .,,,, ,. .. .. . 497 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to. 279 Middlekaup} Joseph, Musrngerr, I payment to executrix of ,,,,,... _ .,.., .. , 778 appropriation for pay of, House . . .-.. 176, 598 I Middleton, Asahel, Senate .. . . . . .. ... .173, 595 R pension ... . ,,.. ,_,, ,_,, , ,,_,, 700 Jhuengcra General Service, Middleton, WZ J

Secroz;y of War authorized to enlist . 167 payme§s of dainages to, Fox and Wisconsin

acer muon . ivers . . 1 . . . .. . 284 pension . 3 . . . . 835 Middleion, Lana and Qownpany, Jlemnna, deficiency appropriation for maternal and appropriation for consul at . . 114. 484 | labor, Capitol terrace .. 270 Jlelcalf, C arlea, » i down Conn., paymeat of damages to, Fox and Wisconsin  ; J?artford,t0 be a port of entry instead of. . 492 ivers ..-. .. ..-.-. . 5i ian, Meihodiat Protestant Churcle, A appropriation for consul at . . .---114, 484 Board of Foreign Missions of the, authorizedMileage, to hold property in District of C0- 1 appropriation for Army officers . .. 95, 396 lnmbia .. .. . .. . i maximum n lowaucc .. .. . 93 amount of real estate limited .. . 218 3  ;$Cll\8l cost of Rremsportatiou allowed .. 95 Matte and Emma, ’ i eage (7 aims, A 'avy, payment of judgment of Court of Claims tg. 275 E deficiency appropriation for.297, 30*2, 303, 306, 307 Mexican Wm·I’enaiona(•ecaIao Pensions; Mon- e Miles, George, ca W r . { payment to .. . ... *74 appr0priI:ltio:s)for paying . . . . 544 I Miles, {Urn. LL C. (widmr), I Maxima War Volamlerra, ~ pension . . 901 detioiency appropriation forpny,etc- 305*, Miles $ity,{l!ont¥ , 3 7 : cons ruc ion 0 ri: across ci ows one Mexico, r River at or neg: authorized . -. . 4:+ appropriation formiulster to . ...l0$, 429 I Melee City Bridge Company, my wcngayy of lgggtiqm ,... ..- .. . .109, 4o9 ; an thonzed to bridge Yellowstone R1 ver, for comm}-general at .. . ... lll. * Ivgongana . . . ... . 48 r 1 umm .--.. .. ‘.i Hwy ca my, gguvgstgqf Wim, as to international . appropriation for support of. -.. .. .-. .87, 436 bqundgry lim; on the H10 Grande and { fonpny of professors, etc ... ----;*7, 43Q R30 Commdo ,,_,_,,, . . t. .. 1011 i limit of pay of adjutant .. .-.. @7, 430 rggfpgggg] wmmqmi;] qqmvexmon between g ;0r gay of cadets .. -- ... UH, 436 . 4 {bg umm} smug - . or and . . . 88 436 extqmioxn of time for carrying commercial E for additional longevity pay, professors, ' convention iutoefect ..-.»••. ° etc- •---··..----····-··· -·--- ····.---P8,436 Miami gpllwtia? Ohio, I {PY cllffigi ¤KP¤¤$¤¤ ---· · ·--·· - --------- g, bg;] g,,_-,,...··•·--· 0T0e!' ..--·-·-U--U.---···· --.-. --- , ` ygmrjézx ’ 6 n . · for expenses department of natural and lands of, in Indian Territory not subject. to f experimental philosophy .. . 88, 437* diqgmonw •£ve¤1ry ... . - 391 moilgru lnpzuagcn ·. · ..·..--- M¢=¤•¢ IMF » ircr. _ ma ern ws; -------·-- - -·------- - . ‘ gppmpdsgizggw fniliiiing treaties with ..34, 454 I chenristry, mmenlogy, and geologynus, 4,31