Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1158

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INDEX. 1 1 3 1 Pa Pegg. 0I¢emargarp•e~Contiuu··d. gs Ordnance Departmvnt—C0utinued. (»0mm¤?g3»réer of Internal Revenue, deci- appropriation for mounting and dismouub 8 _ im --·- -... . . 21 . ing uns repairs, etc .. - 99 to d ;;l({% WhRt substances deleterious to for repagriné ordnance and ordnance ¤ - --·---·-. . . . t s ... , . . 0

    • }*1*9**] tv board --.. . . 212 for ;u£e; and manufacture ofordmmne 4 0

P“k¤§€¤ Y10i Sfilillpéd 01* marked, forfeited. 212 stores .- . .. - - . ,...,... . ..,__ _ _ _ ,99, 400 d618V"' *0118 i<> [>¤b|i0 health to be forfeited- 212 for extra duty pay .. . . . , -. 99 penalta for wxlltgully removing or defmiug for equiaments for infantry, cavalry, and n amps, e c . . . . arti ery .--. . . 99, 400 may be exported without payment of tax; for overhauling, etc., ordnance stores- -. 99

  ;e€nla5acans      ...- 212 ‘ ;0r mauufactureff arms at armorics  99, 400

mu e .. . . . . -. .. 212 or civilian cmp oyees, limited .. 99, 400 pcgqity fer defrmiding gxy ma{u;facturer.- 21; I deiicieufy appropriation for stores, sup- 31 mg 0 00mp y wrt regu a ions. . 21 p ies, etc . .. --. 292 fines, peuultxes, etc., how recovered .. 212 Ordnance, Office of Chief of, regulafncgs toc; made by Commgsgnugr of ;ppropria.tiou for pay of clerks, etc . . 194, 617 n rua avenue approve y cc- nance Stores

   J‘0t; ry;>f 1533 greesury  . , ... 212 annual nppreyédation for, etc., for militia

0 8 6 0 60 m aye . . ..-- 213 in tease .. . . .. 401 packages cn band taxable. . .--. 213 Orem-, Joh: D., stamps, eff., to be u$xcd . ... 213 payment to administrator of .. ..-- 957 to be regarded as manufactured at that Oregon, tiqw .. . . .-.. ... 213 appropriation fpr incidental expenses, Inspecxal regulation for stamping, eta - 213 dien scrvnce in . . , . :43, 463

 holder mgyg staéeg, etc ,.,... . -,. ...,,, 213 for artesgen well in Eastern, or Washing- `

wmargarine 5 , an ompaunda of ton erritory .. .. .. . ... 103 to be known as 01G0ll18I.‘g&l'1D0... I. . .- 209 for pay of surveyongcueral; clerks - . .204, 627 Olis, William M., for contingent expenses . .-. .205,628 _ payment to . . .. . . 286 deficiency appropriation for incidental ex- Olivo, Archibald, ~ penses Indian service in - . . - 293 Jsyment to ... ..- - ... 950 for volunteers .. .. . . .. . . . -295, 300, 305 incr, Anniaa 12, certified copies of papers lost, etc., in claims payment to .. .. . . 665ci}£orequippingtr00ps,t0beevidence. 217 Oliver, William R., Oregon Coty! Omg., pn ent to .. . .. - ... 950 4 construction of budge across W1I1v.mette °”‘H';£"?"a { t -.4 ms. m · 0..,.., $"’?L`a5.°‘}£3 ‘MLL““°3i?S as; 2,; r ‘°‘ cons c I0 0 n e ssoun on u an n u- River between gcuncil Blhdb and, diane iq Middle, authoring; ..., 501 :nppro%1Liat:ou for support, atc., of .. ..41, 461 Osaka and Winn go Agency egon ut eastern, appropriation for pay of Iniiian agent at..30, 450 deHc1enc§:ppm;g1;T}i0ugcrsettlement, etc. 295 Onaka Indi no egcrnian ilwayge ompany ,appr0pria£;:i0;1 for fulfilling treaty with -. .35, 455 authorizeg te lt£·id%e thégillwétté River Omaha Indian ,Lm•ds. a ay s an mg reg .. . . time for payment for, extended ... 214 Orgain, B. S., i inte;-cg; fg be paid ________,,..,..., - . . . 214 payment to admmxstratnx of .. . .. 950 ecttlere may make first payment in two Orndorjl John A., _ yum,, ,_,_ , ,_____,,_,, -.-. ,.., ,,,, 21 pension . .. purchase not forfeited because of failure to Ornithology and Jlammalogy, Divmon of, Depay principal and interest due April partnnent of Agwiculture, 39* 1596 ____ _ ____, __ __,, ,. ,,., . ..,.. 214 appropriation for investigations .. 101 Omaha and Council Blujs Railway and Bridge got ornithologist, etc.. .. .. . (jam mW_ or investigations .. . . . . ...- 7 authorizcdpto bridge Missouri River .. 501 Ortega, Miguel, ON}:. Thopmn G., payment to ,, . . .. ...--, .. 872 payment to .,., . . -. .. 673 Osage Agmsegéz Ontario Lake. \2 I'. appropnim xon ur pay 0 n mu agen a .. , · lifeaeving stationrestabliebed on, at mouth Osage Indngng, of Nigggra, River ,... .. . 84 anppggaprgatnocas {rg; fuéfizIing3tx£en.ty {sixth. ..35, 455 Onlmoagrm, Mich., L an 0 no sn gcc o a 0 men m sev- J¤ppropri¤¢i<>¤» for imprvvcuwnt of harbor. . 31¤ ) 1 :é1¤3·6 ... . 391 · ,, n . q pertntion ni by Chinese prohibited 433 approprietéou for improvement of .. , ... . . P¤¤*¤h¥¤¢¤$···· ··-- -- -··· · ··—·- •··- -·•- $“¥V¤S’ 0 ·--·-------· ··-· ··-- ··-· ·--·-- puclmgcn MQ fcrfeited .:1 . . . 409 Osaka ¢nd H:pgo, treme iu, by United States cmzeus in appmpnutnon for consul at .. .-.. 111,482 Chg,. {,,,],5,];],,, _ ___,, , ,.., 409 boat and crew . . . . 116, 486 punishment. ... . . . . 409 Osborn (er Oebun), Jeans, jurisdiction _ __ __ _ _, ,_,. , ,,., , 409 payment to executor of ... . ... 774 paeksgea forfeited .. . .. 409 Osborn, Sinclair (or Cinclair), {y,.;,,," l;,,,,,.;,,,,,;, , payment to . .. . . . .. .. 7 appropriation for pay of atlleere . . 94,395 Osborn, Thomas S., or ennent expenses. ·... ...-..99, 400 dcieiency appgupnstncn for salary- . . - 2a? lor marmbcturo elmetgllie ammnmtmn, Osborn and Clmpm, °tc _ _ __ __ ____ _ ____, _ ---, ..,, 99,4w payment of judgment of Court ofo1h1H1S to- 279