Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/126

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 572, 573. 1886. 91 CHAP. 572.-An act granting leave of absence to employees in the Government June 30, 1886. Painting Olllce -7 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the employees of the Gov- Employees in ernment Printing Oihce, whether employed by the piece or otherwise, ?'°"°’”m°¤*P*i¤*· be allowed a leave of absence, with pay, not exceeding nfteen days in },'}§Gg,m§; *:11;;:; any one fiscal year, after the service of one year and under such regula- of abggncgév lations and at such time as the Public Printer may designate. Such employees as are engaged on piece-work shall receive the same rate of pay for the said fifteen days} leave as will be paid to day-hands: Pro- Proriso. vided, That those regularly employed on the Congressional Record shall E m p1_<>y¢¤¤ ¤¤ receive leave, with pay, at the close of each session, pro rata for the C°({‘g'°"‘°”“1R°°‘ time of such employment. °r ` Sec. 2. That this act shall take effect on and after the iirst day of July, eighteen hundred and eighty-six. _ Approved, June 30, 1886. CHAP. 573.-An act makin appropriations for the rvi of be ost- dice Department for the fiscal year egdigg J Eno thirtieth, eighleeen cliundrgd add eighty- BGVCD. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqmresentatives of the United · States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, Postal service and the same are hereby, appropriated for the service of the Post-Oliice ¤ppr0pri¤·ti<>¤¤· Department. in conformity to the act of July second, eighteen hundred V°1·5·P·8°· and thirty-six, as follows: OFFICE OF THE POSTMASTER-GENEL.L. ‘ °r‘P1ostmaeter-Gen- For mail depredations and post-oliice inspectors, and fees to United _Mail ueprede- States marshals, attorneys, and the necessary incidental expenses con- ty-’¤¤» m¤P°°*°”¤ nected therewith, two hundred thousand dollars. ° °‘ For advertising, twenty thousand dollars. Advertising. For miscellaneous items in the office of the Postmaster-General, one Miscellaneous. thousand five hundred dollars. omucn or run Frasr Assxsrmr rosrmsrnn-omnnnan. Fmt A¤¤i¤*•¤* P ols t m aste1··Gen— GI`!} • For compensation to postmasters, eleven million seven hundred Pcetmeeters. thousand dollars. For compensation to clerks in post-offices, live million one hundred gmk. in pegand fifty thousand dollars. ¤¤lc¤s· For rent, fuel, and light, four hundred and ninety-five thousand dol- _ Rent, fuel, and lars. And the Postmaster-General is hereby authorized to rent a suit- 1*%*- h cme able building on Capitol Hill for use as a branch of the Washington city C ,,_ '§‘,°°°, Hi I 1: post-office, at a rate not exceeding thirty dollars per month, until fur- yvesungten my, ther action of Congress. . For office furniture, twenty-five thousand dollars. Furniture. For miscellaneous and incidental items, seventy thousand dollars. Miscellaneous. For free-delivery service, four million nine hundred and twenty-eight Free deliv°TY· thousand five hundred and thirty-one dollars and twenty-five cents; forty thousand dollars of which may be used, in the discretion of the Additional ee". Postmaster·General, for the establishment, under existing law, of the lee. free·delivery system in cities where it is not now established. For stationery in post-offices, fifty-tive thousand dollars. Stationery, etc. For wrapping-twine, eighty thousand dollars. For wrapping-paper, thirty thousand dollars. For letter-balances, scales, and test-weights, ten thousand dollars. For postmarking and rating stamps, and ink and pads for stamping and cancelling purposes, thirty thousand dollars.