Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/132

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FORTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 574. 1886. 97 additional expenditures as are necessary and authorized by law in the movement and operations of the Army, and not expressly assigned to any other department, six hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars- Provided, That two hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the appropri- Proriao. ation for incidental expenses, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, Extra-dutvpay. shall be set aside for the payment of enlisted men on extra duty at ` constant labor of not less than ten days; but no such payment shall be made at any greater rate per day than is lixed by law lor the class of persons employed and the work done. ‘ For purchase of horses for the cavalry and artillery, and for the Pu rchase of Indian scouts, and for such infantry as may be mounted, one hundred·h°¤¤¤· and thirty thousand dollars: Provided, That the number of horses pur·- Promo. chased under this appropriation, added to the number on hand, shall Limitation. not at any time exceed the number of enlisted men and Indian scouts in the mounted service; and that no part of this appropriation shall be paid out for horses not purchased by contract, after competition duly invited by the Quartermaster’s Department, and an inspection by such Dppartment, all under the direction and authority of the Secretary of ar. Army transportation: For transportation. of the Army, including Transportation. baggage of the troops, when moving either by land or water; of clothing, camp and garrison equipage from the depots at Philadelphia and Jeffersonville to the several posts and Army depots, and from those depots to the troops in the iield; of horse equipments and of subsistence stores from the places of purchase and irom the places of delivery, under contract, to such places as the circumstances of the service may require them to be sent; of ordnance, ordnance stores, and smallarms from the founderies and armories to the arsenals, fortiilcations, frontier posts, and Army depots; freights, wharfage, tolls, and ferriages; the purchase and hire of draught and pack animals, and harness, and the purchase and repair of wagons, carts, and drays, and of ships and other sea-going vessels and boats required for the transportation: of supplies and for garrison purposes; for drayage and cartage at the several posts; hire of teamsters; extra-duty pay of enlisted men driving teams, repairing means of transportation, and employed as trainmasters and in opening roads and building wharves; transportation of the funds of the Pay and other disbursing Departments; the expenses of sailing public transports on the various rivers, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic and Pacific; for procuring water at such posts as from their situation require it to be brought from a distance; and for the disposal of sewage and drainage, and for clearing roads, and for removing obstruction from roads, harbors, and rivers to the extent which may be required for the actual operation of troops in the held; in all, two million eight hundred thousand dollars. Arrears of Army transportation on certain land~grant railroads: For Amnm nf tram. the payment of Army transportation lawfully due such landgrant rail- pqmflou ¤¤ ¤¤¤· roads as have not received aid in Government bonds, to be adjusted by n}:::‘8"'“* the proper accounting officers in accordance with the decisions of the Supreme Court in cases decided under such land-grant acts; but in no case shall more than fifty per centum of the full amount of the service be paid, eighty-tive thousand dollars: Provided, That such compensation Proriro. shall be computed upon the basis of the tariff rates for like transpor- R=¥¢¤· tation performed for the public at large, and shall he accepted as in lull for all demands for such services. Barracks and quarters: For barracks and quarters for troops, store- Barracks and houses for the safe-keeping of military stores, for offices, and for the *l¤¤¤°¤'¤· hire of buildings and of grounds for summer cantonments and for tem- _ porary buildings at frontier stations, for the construction of temporary buildings and stables, and for repairing public buildings at established posts, six hundred and twenty thousand dollars: Provided, That no ex- Mum-I f Swpenditures exceeding five hundred dollars shall be made upon any build- mf:I;¥"K.““'3m_ to ing or military post, or grounds about the same, without the approval ,,0,.;, c,,,,,,,,, m,,,, of the Secretary of War for the same, upon detailed estimates by the than STAT L——VOL xxrv-—-T