Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/15

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Y xvi LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIOL S. Page. Sch ool— arm lands S. C. An act to rovide for the redemption and sale of the school-farm lands dow held iii Beaufort County,I8onth Carolina, by the United States. March 3, 1887 .- ,1.:.1. 551 Jurisdiction, United Slates courts. An act to amend the act of Congress approved Marcf _ ur , eighteen hundred and seventy-tive, entitled "An act to deternune the Jurisdiction 0 cnrepit courts of the United States and to regulate the removal of causes from State courts, and or other purposes and to further regulate the jurisdiction of circuit courts of the United States, _ and forcisherp¤rpo¤¤s." March 3, 1887 .. . . . . 5¤2 Vicksburg and Meridian Railroad Company. An act to provide for the settlement of an account with the Vicksburg and Meridian Railroad Company for internal-revenue tax, and to refund the amount of said tax erroneously assessed and collected. _March 3, 1887 ... Z . 555 Newport Barracks, Ky. An act to authorize the sale of the United States barracks propertyin_the city of Newport, gentucky, and the purchase of a new site and the erection of buildings _55 thereon. More , 1887. . . . . ... . . .. . . . . .. ¤ Adjustment of land grants. An act to provide for the adjustment of land grants made by Congress to aid in the conlstructiou of railroads and for the fortenture of unearned lands, and for other 556 ur oses. Marc 3, 1887..i-.--L . . ... Bridge? Tgmeaacc River. An act authorizing the construction of a bridge over the Tennessee River _ at or near Sheifeld, Alabama, and for other purposes. March 3, 1887 .. .--. ...:- ... 5¤8 National banks, reserve cities. An act to amend sections five thousand one hundred and ninety-one and five thousand one hundred and ninety-two of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and for other purposes. March 3, 1887 .. . .. .. . . . .. 559 Arrears of taxes, District of Columbia. An act relating to arrears of taxes in the District of Columbia. 560 March 3, 1887 . . ...-·.. .. .-.. .. . . .--. .-.- .. .Minncapolia Exposition. An act relative to the Minneapolis Industrial Exposition to be held annually in the city of Minneapolis, State of Minnesota. March 3, 1887 . ... 560 Bridge, Missouri River. An act or the constructionof a bridge by the Duluth, Pierre and Black Hills Railroad Company across the Missouri River at Pierre, Dakota. March 3, 1887 .. . 561 Bridge, Missouri River. An act to authorize the construction of abridge across the Missouri River at a point to be selected within five miles of the city of Yankton, Dakota. March 3, 1887.. 562 Bridge, Mississippi River. Ln act to authorize the construction of a railroad, wagon, and foot—pas- . senger b§dgeha;cri1§g7tbe Mississippi River at Fort Madison or Keokuk, or between those points. arc , , .-- ,. . ..,.. -.,, ,_,, _-,, ,,.,.,, 564 Bridge, Miaainyapi River. An act autborizin the city of Winona, Minnesota, to construct abridge across part of the Mississippi River and a certain island therein, Mami; 3, 1887 ________ __ _ _ 565 Bridge, Tennessee River. An act authorizing the construction of a bridge over the Tennessee River at or near Guntersville, Alabama, and for other purposes, March 3, 1387 ______________ ____ 566 Bridges, rivers in Mississippi. An act to authorize the Georgia Paciiic Railroad Company to congtréuct bridges across the Sunflower, Yazoo, and Tomlngbee Rivers, in Mississippi. March 3 F - ----·-----------·-. -·-·- ---.-.-. .. . . . ... . ... ...,.,,,_ ’ Twigga words. An act authorizing the President to return the Twig swords. March 3, 1887-: .Poaml appropriations. An act making appropriations forthe service ofxa Post—0t1ice Department for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eigbt. March 3, 1887. . 569 District of Columbia appropriations. An act making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth eig11t· een hundred and eighty-eight, and for other urposes. March 1887 . ..571 Elevators, District of Columbia. in act to regulate the construction and operation of elevatorerrith. in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes, Much 3, 1887 ____ _ _______ ____ ____ _ 580 Naval appropriations. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal vear ending June rburtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and for other purposes. March 3 11587 581 Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriations. An act making a propriations for the legidlstive cirecutive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the iiiscal year ending June thirtieth’ . eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and for other purposes. March 3, 1887 . . ’ 594 Bridge, 1`ombigbec River, Misa. An act to authorize the Tombigbee Railroad Company tolcom struct a bridge across the Tombigbee River at or near Columbus Mississippi. March 3 1887 632 .Firemen’s Insurance Company. An act extending the charter of "Tlie President and Directors ot the firemen s Insurance Company or Was mgtou and Georgetown," in the District of Co- 3 d ]n;,|,,,,_ March 3, ;3g7_ __ _ _____ _ _____ _ _________ ___ _ ______ _ _____ 633 ri ge, ennesaee Rircr. An act suthorizin the construction of a ben". "`e ·'-·-· n-en:`" at or near the foot of the Mnssel Single Canal, and for other pdiiosizcr i2ar£h]i3neiB8·;7 River 673 Trade-dollars. An act for the retirement and recoinage of the trade-dollar.. March 3 ,1887 i-- _-. Antvpoiygamy act. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to amend section iiftv-three hundred and izifty-two of the Revised Statutes of the United States, in reference to hi am and f r gt}{,r;g7p¤rpous," approved March twenty-secoud,eighteen hundred and eightyqtwdy Marci; r, .,,,,,,,.,...n,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,u.-,.,,,-..,,,;__,,,,,,,,,,_,_____,,,_,,_____ RESOLUTIONS. Deccm“bcr pay, Con ssioual cm lo E28. Joint resolut' n a "z'‘ the saiarieagtgthe officefs ahd employees of Chcngresshlihi 3% mggthuotigghug theaypcnt of N U, gun?-cd $1::] c;gh,:;y.,i§_ member ly, 1886 ____ ____ ____ _ _____ mmm t' eighteen M3 or arc ina e or- oo a. oint resolution directing copies of the official-ietter:hoohsoi' · - - · · i‘.§é§‘?.`T‘f‘f?TT‘}{‘i‘TYf’¥.Y*I°?E€?Y‘iI’YTf’Z’I‘}E ?.“Z'°‘f““ “’ "° """“"‘°" *° ”"‘ S‘*'°· ”*¤¤¤¤::°2$. J"" ’{1’.I£’s,"{’éi‘¤¥’.T‘f‘I`T‘?‘Tf’f‘.T`?{'fT‘I7T‘f “°'*“‘” ‘”’°" "‘ “‘° S°“°° ”°P***¤“=¤* by <·¤<·r- W jygygam B_ [Mau O0_ Joint I · °'`` "° '```` of °``` 'f? ````'`°`°``°``'```` " '` 643 d.,, 3, 18S7X__ _____ __ j“j’fff‘ff‘_‘i‘f{ f{‘f’_f‘f{ f’ff{Y_“‘“"" ”· ‘°““°‘ ‘“"‘ °°“"‘“"· ·’°"°‘ 6,;