Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/167

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132 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. . Sess. I. Ch. 757. 1886. Imrnovmmnxvrs AND Rnrnms. R¤P=*i¥¤ to P=··V*>· For repairs to concrete pavements, with the same or other not in- ‘““““‘· ferior material, sixty-tive thousand dollars; for materials for permit, work, sixty thousand dollars; and the Commissioners of the District are authorized, in their discretion, to apply such material to and pay from this appropriation, the cost of labor for the improvement and repair of alleys and sidewalks when, in their opinion, such course is Pnwiw- necessary for the public health, safety, or comfort: Provided, That the C 0 ¤ t t <>_ b 6 costs of- such labor shall be charged against and become a lien on the "g“;*éF"l’“g"‘:,“° abutting property, and its collection shall be enforced in the same mann u mb Pm1m ‘y' ner as the collection of general taxes, and shall, when so collected, be Surveys. credited to said appropriation; for continuation of surveys of the District of Columbia with reference to the extension of various avenues to sewers the District line, four thousand dollars; for sewers, fortyhve thousand dollars; for work on sundry avenues and streets, and replacement of New prnvcrucnts- pavements in localities named in Appendix Ff annexed to the estimates of the Commissioners of the District for eighteen hundred and eighty- seven, two hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars; in all, four hundred and forty thousand dollars; and the money appropriated for new sewers and for work on sundry avenues and streets shall become available Provfao. on the approval of this act: Provided also, That under this appropria- L"“'*- tion no contract shall be made for making or repairing concrete or asphalt pavement at a higher price than two dollars per square yard for a quality equal to the best heretofore laid in the District. CONSTBUCTING, REPAIRING, AND MAINTAINING BRIDGES. Bridg¤¤- _ For ordinary care, under the supervision and control of the Commisn§gQ;°{B;°=£;“·“d sioners of the District, of Benning’s, Anacostia, and Chain Bridges, ' including fuel, oil, lamps, and matches, two thousand dollars; for one bridgekeeper at Chain Bridge, six hundred and sixty dollars; and for repairing and maintaining bridges under the control of said Commissioners, including Benning’s and Anacostia Bridges, ten thousand dollars; in all, twelve thousand six hundred and sixty dollars. W a shi n g t 0 n WASHINGTON AQUEDUOT. Aqueduct. For engineering, maintenance, and general repairs, twenty thousand dollars. Fon REFORMATORIES AND PRISONS. Washington Any- For \Vashingtou Asylum: For one intendant, one thousand two hunl°'“· dred dollars; one matron, six hundred dollars; one visiting physician, one thousand and eighty dollars; one resident physician, four hundred and eighty dollars; one clerk, six hundred dollars; one baker, four hundred and twenty dollars; one overseer, eight hundred dollars; tive overseers, at six hundred dollars each ; one engineer, six hundred dollars; one assistant engineer, three hundred dollars; five watchmeu, at three hundred and sixty-hve dollars each ; one blacksmith, two hundred and forty dollars; one hostler, one hundred and twenty dollars- one ambulancealriver, one hundred and twenty dollars; one female keeper at workhouse, three hundred dollars; one female keeper at workhouse, at one hundred and eighty dollars; one cook, at one hundred and twenty dollars; three cooks, at sixty dollars each; one nurse, one hundred and eighty dollars; four nurses, at sixty dollars each; one teacher three Contingent ex- hundred dollars; for contingent expenses, icluding improvemerits and pauses. repairs, provisions, fuel, forage, lumber, shoes, clothing, dry-goods, hard- , ware, medicines, repairs to tools and machinery, and other necessary articles, thirty-nine thousand dollars; erection and furnishing one hospital ward for twenty-tive patients, three thousand five hundred dol-