Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/188

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 781. 1886. 153 Coast Survey, and for the civil establishment at the several naval hos- Civil estoblislr pitals, navy-yards, naval laboratory, and Naval Academy, fifty-five thou- m°¤*· sand dollars. For the naval-hospital fund : For maintenance of the naval hospitals Naval hospitals. at the various navy-yards and stations, thirty thousand dollars. For contingent expenses: For freight or expressage on medical Contingent exstores, toll, ferriages; transportation of insane patients; advertising; 1>¤¤¤¤¤· telegraphing; rent of telephones; purchase of books; postage, and purchase of stamps for foreign service; expenses attending the medical board of examiners; rent of rooms for naval dispensary and museum of hygiene; hygienic and sanitary investigation and illustration; sanitary and hygienic instruction· purchase and repairs of wagons and harness; purchase and feed of horses and cows; trees, plants, gardentools, and seeds; furniture and incidental articles for museum of hy- giene, naval dispensary, Washington, naval laboratory, sick-quarters at Naval Academy, and dispensaries at navy-yards; washing for medical department at museum of hygiene, naval dispensary, Washington, naval laboratory, sick-quarters at Naval Academy, dispensaries at navy-yards, and for receiving-ships and rendezvous, and all other necessary contingent expenses, twenty thousand dollars. - For necessary repairs of naval laboratory, naval hospitals, and ap- Repairs. pendages, including roads, wharves, out-houses, sidewalks, fence , gardens, farms, and cemeteries, fifteen thousand dollars. nrmnsu or rnovrsrons Amin crornmc. For provisions for the seameuand marines; commuted rations for Prqvisivus and officers, naval cadets, seamen, and marines; commuted rations stopped °1°“””€- on account of sick in hospital and credited to the hospital fund; water for drinking and cooking purposes on board ships; and for labor and expenses of inspections; in all, one million and fifty-two thousand dollars; and the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the _ Amcuntqtc credamount now standing to the credit of the clothing fund, and the further ’* °*i1°l;’*h*“f§, md': sum of seventy-tive thousand dollars of the amount now standing to $$,0 `:0$;°,';d "QM the credit of the small stores fund of the Bureau of Provisions and the Treasury. Clothing shall be forthwith covered into the Treasury ’ For contingent expenses: For freight on shipments, candles, fuel, Contingent exbooks and blanks, stationery, advertising, furniture for inspections and P°““°”· pay-offices in the navy·yards, expenses of naval-clothing factory, foreign postage, telegrams, express charges, tolls, ferriages, yeomen’s stores, iron safes, newspapers, ice, and other necessary incidental expenses, fifty thousand dollars. For- the civil establishment, to include firemen, writers, receivers, Civil establishassistant receivers, messengers, leading men and pressmen in inspec- ¤¤¤¤¤· tion office, superintendent of codec and spice mill, box-maker, coifee- ` roaster, engine-tender, teamster, telephoneoperating, cutter, machineoperator, and two laborers, thirty-ilve thousand dollars; and no other fund a ppropiiated by this act shall be used in payment for such services. BUREAU or consrnncrrox Ann nnmrn. mg:;;:: :5 d01g:: For preservation and completion of vessels on the stocks and in P°fi;,,,,,,,»,;,,,,, ordinary; purchase of materials and stores of all kinds; labor in navy- repsir,ete., ofvc•· yards and on foreign stations; preservation of materials; purchase of ¤°l¤- tools for use in shops; wear, tear, and repair of vessels atloat, and for general care, increase, and protection of the Navy in the line of construction and repair; incidental expenses, such as advertising, foreign Contingent expostages, telegrams, photographing, books, plans, stationery, and in- P°¤°°°·_ struments for the drawing room, nine hundred thousand dollars: Pr0· §"•:g°:i had vided, That in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy thirty thou- -b,P°Phfhd°‘}';,m., sand dollars of the amount hereby appropriated may be used to repair p,_ ’ and furnish a suitable vessel, if in his judgment it can be done without Repair on