Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/243

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208 FORTYNINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 827. 1886. sand one hundred and sixty dollars; in all, eleven thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. _ " P<>¤f=¤:¢- For postage required to prepay matter addressed to Postal Union countries, one hundred dollars. T¤¤¤P°¤¤*i°¤· For official transportation for the Department, five hundred dollars. C¤r¤ of ¤¤¤¤· For the following force necessary lor the care and protection of the h°“"`· pi‘m°° "f court-house in the District of Columbia, which shall be under the direcc°h""l"°' tion of tho United States marshal of the District of Columbia: One engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; three watchmen; three firemen; ibur laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; and six assistant messengers; in all, eleven thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars; _ Svlicitnr of 51m Orman or rim Somcrzron or rms: Trmasuur.-For compensation T’f°“;“'F,; ”““*" of the Solicitor of the Treasury, four thousand dollars; assistant solic- °°.’ ° er °’ °t°' itor, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; four . clerks of class four; three clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; two clerks of class one; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, twenty-seven thousand ure hundred and eighty dollars. Books. For law and miscellaneous hooks for office of the Solicitor of the Treas ury, five hundred dollars. Staciimery. For stationery for officc of Solicitor of the Treasury, four hundred dollars. D§;;~;¤‘l¤,_ 321%;}, h For ewlaadaalnl of the jail of the District of Columbia, one thousand eight bm _ undr o rs. Pay of Justices Umrnn S1•.u·r·:s comms.-For the Chief Justice of the Supreme $¤P’·‘"·° C°¤¤’*- Court of the United States, ten thousand five hundred dollars; and for eight associate justices, ten thousand dollars each; in all, ninety thousand five hundred dollars. Retired judges. To pay the salaries of the United States judges retired under section HB- S--FM-· 4-P- seven hundred and fourteen of the Revised Statutes, so much as may ‘ " be necessary for the tiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eightyseven, is hereby appropriated.. Cirmir judges. For nine circuit judges, to reside in circuit, at six thousand dollars each, fifty-tour thousand dollars. P stun rg li atl, sn- Fprlrniirshal of· the Supreme Court of the United States, three thou '° ° mu · sam dollars. o District judges. For salaries of the fifty-six district judges of the United States, two hundred and three thousand five hundred dollars. _A•ldiIion:nl jus- For salary of one additional associate justice of the Supreme Court of 8;:}, ilulrtgsgn ·· the Territory of Montana, three thousand dollars. Supreme _¢mm, For salaries of the chief justice of the supreme court of the District of ‘ g:**¤¢* of €•>]¤¤¤· Colunibgn and the five associate judges, twenty-four thousand tivo hun- ' 1 TN I O HTS. District n z nor- For compensation of the district attorneys of the United States. °">'“· twenty thousand one hundred dollars. · ' District rn a i- - For compensation of the district marshals of the United States. twelve

  • 1***]*- thousand seven hundred dollars. '

C,;{1;},*Ls E_·;!;m°*¤·· Coeur or CL.ums.-For salaries of five jud gies of the Court of Claims, "‘ at four thousand five hundred dollars each- c ief clerk, three thousand _ dollars; one assistant clerk, two thousand dollars; bailiff, one thousand tlve hundred dollars; and one messenger; in all, twentv-nine thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. ` Wfggixigent ex- tmlfecgrtagationelryxotigoks, fuel, labor, and other miscellaneous expenses, _ Reporting decis- _ For reporting the decisions of the court, and superintending the print- ¤°*;· S 11,5 ing of the twentyfdrst volume of the Reports of the Court of Claims, to ,,_ 3,_,_‘· “°‘· be_pa1d on the order of the court, one thousand dollars; said sum to be v01_ 1g_ ,,_ we paid to the reporter, notwithstanding section seventeen hundred and sixty-nve of the Revised Statutes, or section three of the act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, chapter three hundred and twenty-eight.