Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/25

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LIST OF 1’i:1\‘ATr1 .1uTs AND 1:Es0LaTI10N S. Xxvu


·LU¤8 U. NOOM- An act for tho rulicf of Elias B. Moors:. Iuly 6, 1586 . . . . .., 830 Aibcrfive Cov/crum. An act for tho relief of Albcrtiuc Cockrum. July 6, 1-86 ...,,,. scm Henry Geo. An act for tho re1iefofHenry Geo. Jn1y 6, 1886 .. . . .,,, exo Gwryc Schacjbr. An act granting :1. pension to George Schaefer. July G, 18~G 6:30 Thomas T. Smithers. A11 act for the relief of Thomas T. Smithers. July 6, 1sSG -. . .. 831 Sarah M. Shearer. An act for the relief of Sarah M. Shearer. July G, 1886 .,.., ,., . ,___, 331 Mary Howard Farquhar. An act for the relief of Mary Howard Furquhnr. July 6, 1886 -.. . 831 Mary F. Blaise. All act grimtinguu increase of pension to Mary F. Blake. July G, 1886.. .-.. 831 Annie Bagley. An act granting u pension to Annie Bagley. July G, 1886. .. . 831 Marg; A. Shannon. An act granting :1. pension to Mary A. Shannon. July 6, 1886 .. . . .-.. 832 James Wolfe. An act granting a pension to James \V01fe. July 6, 1886 - -.. - . -.-. 832 Ellen Corcoran. An act granting u. pension to Ellen Corcoran. July 6, 1886 .. . .. ._., 832 Simon J. Fcuqht. An act granting an increase ofpcnsicn to Simon J.Fou;;11t. July (5, 1bBG .. . 83:2 James L. 1lIc0larrm1. An uct: granting u. pension to James L. McCla.rran. July 6, 1886 . . 832 Jeremiah M. F ilger. An act granting u pension to Jeremiah M. Fitger. July 6, 1886 . 832 Nancy R. Brown. A11 act granting :1 pension to Nancy R. Brown. July 6, 1885 .. -.. .- 833 William Paugh. An acts granting u pension to \Vi11i:1m Pzmgh. July 6, 1886 .. . . . . . . . 833 C. K. Hughes. An act granting a. pension to C. K. Hughes. July G, 1886 . .,,, 833 K. G. Billings. An act, restoring to 1119 pension-r011'tb0 name of K. G. Billings. July 6, 1886 833 John Il Pennington. An act granting a pension to John T. Pennington. July 6, 1886 ... , __,, 333 Louis Whorley. An act; granting u. pension to Louis W'h0r1ey, July 6, 1886 . . . . . . -.. . 834 Harriet Peak. An act granting :1 pension to Harriet Peak. July 6, 1886 ...,,,. . , ,,._ ___, 334 Eliza A. Wccks. All act granting u. pension to Eliza A. Weeks. July 6, 1886., .,...,,_,,, 834 Lcnfard Rose. An act granting n pension to Lcnibrd Rose July 6, 1886 ,,., _,,_ ., . ,,_, ,___ ,, 534 Thomas Tegan. An act granting a pension to Thomas Tegan. July 6, 1886 ,,,. , ,..,, __,_ 534 Sylvester Root. An not granting n. pension to Sylvester Roo:. July 6, 1886 ., . . . ._,,,, 334 Solomon Mcsscr. An ncb granting :1. pension to Solomon Messer. July 6, 1886 ... ..- ...,.. . 835 Samuel C. Fisher. An act for the relief of Samuel C. Fisher. July 6, 1886 .. .-.. . ,.,.. 835 Alonzo Maynard. An not granting an increase of pension to Alonzo Maynard. July 6, 1886 ... 833 Louisa Weilzel. An not to increase the pension of Louisa Weitzel, widow of Godfrey Wcitzcl, lute

1 major-general of United States volunteers. July 6, 1886 - . . . - --.. 835

Charlotte Buck. An act granting :1 pension to Charlotte Buck. July 6, 1886 ... .. 835 John H. Downing. An act granting a pension to John H. Downing. July 6, 1886. . . . 335 Emclinc Roberta. An act. granting a. pension to Emelinc Roberts. July 6, 1886 . . . 836 John D. James. An act granting n pension to John D. James. July 6, 1886 .- .. ..- . - . 836 Charles T. Reber. An act granting u pension to Charles T. Rcbcr. July 6, 1885 .. . ..,.. - 836 James Dunbar. An act granting as pension to James Dunbar. July 6, 1886 ... . . . . :-35 Hemietla Fisher. An act granting :1 pension to Henrietta Fisher. July 6, 1886 .. ..-- .-.. 536 Caroline Sturlz. An not granting u. pension to Carolina Stnrtz, widow of Jacob Sturtz, deceased, latc of Company G, Twentieth Maryland Volunteers. July 6, 1886 ... . . -.-. 831 Charles F. Hildrelh. An act granting n pension to Charles F. Hildreth. July 6, 1886 . 837 Margaret Callanan. An act-lor the relief of Mmgarct Callanan. July 6, 1886 .--. .- .. 837 Margaret Madden. An act for the relief of Margaret Madden. July 6, 1386 - .. . . .. $37 . Maria Kilo. An net granting a pension to Mum: Kilo. July 6, 1886 -.-- . . ..-- 837 William H. Bluefield. An act. granting :1 pension to Dr. William H. Sheffield. July GZ 186. . . . 935 William B. Jacobs. An not granting 11 pension to William B. Jacobs. July G, 1886 .. . 333 Samuel liitzmiller. An act Ihr the relief of Samuel Kitzmillcr. July 6, 1886 .. .-.. . . -... - 838 John E Chau. An act to increase the pension of John F. Chase. July 6, 1886 .. . .. .. 838 William R Clark. An act granting an increase of pension to William F. Clark. July 6, 1E8B 838 Daniel B. Randall. An act granting a pension to Daniel B. Randall. July 6, 1886 . . . . 3;:3 Elizabeth Slenbaker. An uct. granting u pension to Elizabeth Slcubakcr. July 6, 1886. .. 339 Ann Little. An act granting n pension to Ann Little. J my 6, 1886 ... . .. . . . . 9.:9 Susan Smith. An not for the relief of Susan Smith. July 6, 1886 . . .. . ... 6339 Nathan Hildabrant. An act for the relief of Nathan Hildnbmnt. July 6, 1886 . . . 339 Am; Lgddy. An net for the relief of Arm Ladd;'. July 6, 1886 ... . ..-- . . Bam William L. McCall. An act granting n pension to W’illi¤.m L. McCall. July 6, 1886 -.. . . . 349 Noah B. Brookshirc. An act granting u pension to Noah B. Bmokshiru. July 6,_1SS6. ..-. 340 ,141;;; A_ Orndoqjj An not im- the relief of John A. Omdcril`. July 6, 1886 . .. 840 Martin Jacoby. An uct: granting an pension to Martin Jncobv. July 6, 1886 .. . . . gig Jggpph E, Van Horn, An act granting an Yensicn to Joseph 15. Van Horn. July G, 1836 .--. .. . S40 Mmqq Murphy. An act for the rulicf of L ary Murphy. July 15, 1886 . . ... . .. . sm William Field. An not grnnring n. pension to William Field. July 6, 1866 --.. ---·---- ·· ---- - 841 Lctitia J. Garrard. An act granting n pension tc Mrs. Lotitia J. Gnrmrd. July 0, 1886 . . 34; Williqg; J, Hudgmi, An not for the relief of William J. Hudson. July Gi 1886 .··· ·--- ---- ·· - 84» pm A_ ycuqmm An act granting n pension to Rose A. McManus. Ju y 6, 1886 ... . B4| Qliyigggan 5mm1g_ Ag aq; granting :1. pension to Christian SIB8F20- July 6, 1886 -- ···· ·-·· ·--- -- — 841 Aaron 0, Johnum. An not granting a pension to Aaron C. Johnson. July 6, 1886 . . . gw Jam, M Hair, An wg gmming n pension to James N. Hair. July 6, 1886 --.. ·.·-·----- · ---- 842 Joh; Ar;];;;, An act granting an pension to John Arthur. July 6 lf!86 -- - -·---~···· - ·- —··-·- -- -- 842 Elggpgy [`gpg}, An gg; granting A ‘p¢¤Si0!1 to E103D0! FDUSC Jufy 6, 1886 -·---- · · ·:- ·- · ·· ··- --·- 84:2 Mqrgqrgt A, Poland, An not granting u. pension to Mnrgurét A- P018m}- JM! 6, 18¤6 ····-- · ·-·-- 842 31,,,,,, ,;_ ,gz,y4,,,_ An M1; to iucreage the pension of Thomas J. Sloyton. July 6, 1886 ...-·------ 842 Mary Hawke. An not for the relief nf Mary HMYUG- JIUY6. 1886 ·----· ···· ---- · ···•---·-·---· ··-- $43 · [nm 1;,,,,;;, Ag my grmtings pensiuntolsaac Fopctt. July 6, 1886 ..·--· · ···· -··- · -·—-· - ---·- c42s Larkin G. Maud. An act granting u pension yo Lnrkm G. Mud- Jil! 6, 1886 ---·-··-·--·-··-—---- 84:: Jmeph Prnt. An nat granting a pension to Lieutenant Joseph Prost. ulg 1886 .. . . 843 Jo:". IL mm"-. An nc; granting n pension to John H. Hunter- July 6. 1 ~ - -—--» · -·----------- 843