Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/289

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254 FOR'1'Y—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 902. 1886. R. S- secs. ·>83. they attend under sections five hundred and eighty three, ilve hundred

    • 8*% PP- we W3; and eighty four, six hundred and seventy one, six hundred and seventy

G7§',,§j5,“°”° m' two. and two thousand and thirteen of the Revised Statutes, which ree;. li. S., sec. 2013, shall be certified in the approval of their accounts. p'§$,,,d Sta", For`fees of United States Commissioners, and justices of the peace commissioners,ete. acting as United States Commissioners, one hundred thousand dollars. Jumrs. For fees of jurors, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Witnesses. For fees of witnesses five hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Support of pris· For support of United States prisoners, including necessary clothing oners. and medical aid, two hundred and forty thousand dollars. Rent. For rent of United States court rooms fifty, thousand dollars. Builias, mers, For pay of bailids and criers; of expenses of district judges who ¤¤¤- may be sent out of their districts to hold court; of meals for jurors when ordered by court; of compensation for jury commissioners, five dollars Stenogmphersu per day, not exceeding three days for any one term of court; for ste-n· J wives of tho S¤- ographic clerk for the Chief Justiceand for each associate justice of P'°"·‘° C°“"’· the Supreme Court, at not exceeding one thousand six hundred dollars each; and for such other miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized 5 by the Attorney-General, including the employment of janitors and watchmen in rooms or buildings rented for the use of courts, interpret- _ y ers, experts, and stenographers, of furnishing and collecting evidence f where the United States is a party in interest, and other miscellaneous . ‘ expenses, three hundred and fourteen thousand four hundred dollars. ~ Court of Claims, For increased clerical service in the Court of Claims made necessary <=l°¤¤¤* ¤·‘>?ViF¤» by business of French spoliation claims, one thousand two hundred French spohatton dollars claims.- Legislative. UNDER LEGISLATIVE. Botanic garden. BOTANIC GARDEN. For reconstructing with iron ribs greenhouse numbered twelve, for extending heating apparatus and concrete walks, and for general re· R<>1>¤i¤» ¤¤¤· pairs to conservatory and propagating-houses, under the direction of , the Joint Library Committee of Congress, five thousand ilve hundred dollars. Works of art. WORKS OF LET. ‘ Purchase, ew For the purchase of works of art, and the necessary cleaning and repairing thereof, including new frames, under the direction of the Joint _ Committee on the Library of Congress, ten thousand dollars. D¤¤’>K¤i¤s 9i’¤· And the proper accounting officersof the Treasury are hereby authorf,f;,{§,wed°;‘:*°d ized and directed to credit the disbursing officer of the Joint Committee ` on the Library with the sum heretofore disallowed on his accounts for

  • = works of art for the Capitol", the same being for the cleaning and repairing of such works of art at the Capitol, one hundred and seventy-

two dollars and fifty cents. PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING. b_P¤}>li¤ printing, For the public printing, for the public binding, and for paper for the e;§‘“"*¥· P “P "· public printing including the cost of printing the debates and proceed- ' ings of Congress in the Congressional Record, and for lithographingy mapping, and engraving for both Houses of Congress the Supreme Court of the United States, the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, the Court of Claims, the Library of Congress, the Executive Oiiice, and the Departments, including salaries or compensation of all necessary clerks and employees, for labor (by the day, piece, or contract), and for all the necessary materials which may he needed in the prosecution of the work, two million dollars; and from the said sum hereby appropriated printing and binding may be done by the Public Printer to the amounts following, respectively, namely;