Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/330

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FOHTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 903. 1886. 295 For removal and subsistence of Indians in California, pay of physi- I¤5li¤¤¤ i¤ Calicinn, smiths,_carpenters, and so forth, eighteen hundred and seventy- f°"“‘*· three and prior years, one hundred and one dollars and twenty cents. llor rernoval of stray bands of Winrlebagoes and Pottawatomies in Winn ebagoes Wisconsin, eighteen hundred and seventy-three and prior years, ten Mid l’<¤W¤W¤*¢>- dollars und nity cents. ¤°l°S· For settlement, subsistence, and support of Shoshones, Bannocks, Slw¤h¤¤¢•,IB¤¤- and other bands in Idaho and Southeastern Oregon, eighteen hundred “°f,k5# °*°·· d"h° and seven ty-eight and prior years, one thousand one hundred and forty- M r°g°°' tive dollars and twenty-two cents. ‘ For surveyiipf thedl3lack Hills in the tlscal year eighteen hundred and Hgirrvvy of Black seventy-six teen ollars.°· For telegraphing and purchase of Indian supplies, eighteen hundred Telegruphius. and eighty-Ehree and prior years, two hundred and twenty~nine dollars °*°·· '“PP"°'- an ninety- ve cents. For transportation of Indian supplies, eighteen hundred and eighty- Transportation, three and prior years, one thousand six hundred and twenty-four dollars '“PPh°°· and eighty-six cents. For traveling expenses of Indian inspectors, eighteen hundred and Inspectors, traeighty-three and prior years, tour hundred and twenty-seven dollars and wmv: ¤¤P¤¤¤¤¤· seventy-tive cents. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE THIRD AUDITOR AND SECOND b cg:::;; *:;*:1;*;*; . COMPTBOLLE B,. agilswcnd Com? tr . INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. hgdor Depart- DGH . For army pensions, eighteen hundred and eighty-three and prior Army pensions. years, sixty-two dollars and thirty-six cents. WAR DEPARTMENT. - Wnrnepnrunent. For contingencies of fortifications, eighteen hundred and_ sixty-four Fortiilcuti ons, and prior years, two· thousand three hundred and thirty-nine dollars ¤¤¤¤¤¤z¤¤¤¤>¤- d f -tw cents. aI1Fo1? ggrveyh for military defenses, eighteen hundred and eighty-three M i 1 1 tary deand prior years, twelve dollars. _ _ f¤¤¤¤¤. surveys- For Signal Service, eighteen hundred and eighty-three and prior Signal Service. _ years, four hundred and five dollars and twenty-five cents. _ For Signal Service, incidental expenses,eighteen hundred and eighty- _ signal Service. four, twelve thousand one hundred and thirty-seven dollars and thirty ggségeu wl exts. ‘ , ‘ ' culior Signal Service, incidental expenses, eighteen hundred and eighty- five, six thousand seven hundred and eighty-four dollars and ilve cents. I v For construction, maintenance, and repair of military telegraph lines, Mrkegry teleeighteen hundred and eightythree and prior years, two hundred and z=•P ¤••· -ti e d ll . _ twgdiytrgnspsngilon of o$cers and their baggage, eighteen hundred ogrcgspmuen, and seventy-one and prior years, one hundred and fourteen dollars and eight seven cents. _ _ _ _ _ For? keeping, transporting, and supplying prisoners of war, eighteen Pnsonersofwur. hundred and seventy-one_and prior years, twenty-tour_dollars. md _ For Rogue River Indian war, prior to July drst, eighteen hund digoguo uw.; 1..- and eighty-three, thirty dollars and forty-two cents. ¤ W"- For pay, transportation, services, and supplies of Oregon and Wash- volunteers. Oroington volunteers in eighteen hundred and fifty-five and eighteen hun- gg: mad Vggcsbiug- . elred and ilftysix, eighteen hundred and seventy-one and prior years, · P Y· ‘ three thousand six hundred and thu·ty-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents. . . t additional compensation prior to July first Twentyperoent. eigiiltledrihgzlprgd :11:1 Eighty-three, eight hundred hud fifty dollars and dfty-two cents.