Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/337

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- 302 FORTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 903. 1886. For enlistment bounties to seamen, prior to July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, three hundred and eighty-four dollars and fifty- three cents. _ Lost clothing. For indemnity for lost clothing, prior to July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, five hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents. Difference be- For the payment of claims for diiference between actual expenses and

  • "°*‘¤ *****1 F¤· mileage, allowed under the decision of the United States Supreme Court

P°”°° ud ""1°` in the case of the United States versus Graham, forty-nine thousand .g°` four hundred and twenty-six dollars and forty-two cents. 0l=¤i¤¤¤ ¤U¤v•>d CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE SIXTH AUDITOR. by Sixth Auditor. POST·0FFICE DEPARTMENT. P<>¤¢=¤i f¢V¤¤¤¤¤· For deficiency in postal revenues, eighteen hundred and eighty-three and prior years, two thousand six hundred and one dollars and twenty cents. payment of cor- Sec. 4. That for the payment of a portion of the claims which are

F“‘ f1“"”“¤ ‘“" fully set forth in ·House Executive Document Number Two Hundred

wl"` ‘ and Ten, first session Fortyninth Congress, and which was transmitted to Congress pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives adopted March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, there is appropriated as follows: bycl°;.~i;°t °g°;;,$: CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE FIRST COMPTROLLER. troll . Stgte Depart· DEPARTMENT OF STATE. DIED ~. Salaries. comp- Foreignintercourse: Forsalaries consular officersnotcitizens, eighteen P' °m°°” "°* °'°‘ hundred and eighty-two and prior years, one hundred and fifty dollars. · lZ€II8• , , _ _ , _ Salaries of min- For salaries of ministers, eighteen hundred and eighty-two and prior mers. years, four hundred and forty-five dollars and forty cents. I,,:",,,,. D0,,,,.,,, DEPARTMENT or rum mmm0m ' 111811 . ` Five, three, and Public-land service: For tive, three, and two per centum fund to two per cent- t¤ States, prior to July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, three thou- St""- sand two hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty-seven cents. Department of DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Justice. Msrsnnw fees. Judicial expenses: For fees and expenses of marshals, United States courts, eighteen hundred and eighty-one and prior years, six thousand one hundred and nineteen dollars. Witnesses rea. _ For fees of witnesses, United States courts, eighteen hundred and eighty-one and pnor years, five hundred and thirty-two dollars and forty-five cents. _ l.,.‘i?1}L’.1‘{,.l"2‘Z,‘.§'.‘§L* CLAIMS ALLowm> nr run snooxn comrrnorrnn, tm El'. Army mmspor- For the payment of the claims on account of transportation of the ¢¤¤¤¤· Army and its supplies certitied as due by the Second Comptroller, and fully set forth in the schedule of February twentieth. eighteen hundred and eighty-six, Appendix A, in said Executive Document Number Two Hundred and ten, two thousand four hundred and one dollars and forty- eiht cents. For the payment of the claims on account of transportation of the Army and its upplies certiiied as due by the Second Comptroller in Schedule A, pages twenty-one and twenty-two, of said Executive Doc- Certain claims ument Number Two Hundred and Ten, except the claims numbered ¤¤¤¢=r¢•=<1- forty-three hundred and seventy-seven, five thousand two hundred and