Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/420

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FORTY-NISTH CONGRESS. mass. I1. Uris. 104, 105. 1887. 387 which all common carriers subject to the provisions of this act shall have, as near as may be, a. uuiibrm system of accounts, and the man- . ner in which such accounts shall be kept. Sec. 21. That the Commission shall, on or before the first day of De- Aunualroport of cember in each year, make a report to the Secretary of the Interior, C°'“mi°¤i°¤- which shall be by him transmitted to Congress, and copies of which shall be distributed as are the other reports issued from the Interior Department. This report shall contain such information uml dam collected by the Commission as may be considered of value in the determination of questions connected with the regulation of commerce, together with such recommendations ns to additional legislation: relating thereto as the Commission may deem necessary. Sec. 22. That nothing in this act shall apply to the carriage, storage, Exceptions to or handling of property free or at reduced rates for the United States, P¤‘<>Vi¤i¤¤¤ of ¢hi¤ State, or municipal governments, or for charitable purposes, or to or “°°· from fairs and expositions for exhibition thereat, or the issuance of mileage, excursion, or commutation passenger tickets; nothing in this not shall be construed to prohibit any common carrier irom giving reduced rates to ministers of religion; nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent railroads from giving free carriage to their own officers and employees, or toprevent the principal officers of any railroad company or companies from exchanging passcs or tickets with other railroad compa.- nies for their officers and employees; and nothing in this act contained shall in any way ubridge or alter the remedies now existing at common law or by statute, but the provisions of this act are in addition to such remedies: Provided, That no pending litigation shall in any way be Pmviyo- _ _ ¤f·=<=¤=·¤ by M M ¤£°22?E¤e£?;§"’ Sec. 23. That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars is hereby up- ·\PP¤>1•ri¤ti<>¤· propriated for the use and purposes of this act for the fiscal year ending - June thirticth, anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and the intervening time anterior thereto. Sec. 24. That the provisions of sections eleven and eighteen of this C<>m¤1§¤Si¤¤ to act, relating to the appointment and organization of the Commission 1’° "££‘;;‘;;d **;*3 herein provided for, shall take eifect immediately, and the remaining Maw g,, mf;`,,; provisions of this act shall take eifect sixty days after its passage. rect in 60 days. Approved, February 4, 1887. CHAP. 105.--An act to amend the law relating to patents, trade-marks, and Feb. 4, 1887. copyright- ·"·***·*·— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongresa assembled, That hereafter, during the term U¤¤¤¤w¤‘i¤¤d pw of letters patent for a. design, it shall be unlawful for any person other gf_{*:‘f_j.g{°d d°°‘K"' than the owner of said letters patent, without the license of such owner, ` to apply the design secured by such letters patent, or any colomble R- 8-. sw- 4983, imitation thereoi; to any article of manufacture for the purpose of sale, P- 95*- or to sell or expose for sale any article of manufacture to which such design or colorable imitation shall, without the license of the owner,_ have been applied, knowing that the same has been so applied. Any Penalty. person violating the provisions, or either of them, of this section, shall be liable in the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars; and in case the total profit made by him from the manufacture or sale, as aforesaid, of the article or articles to which the design, or colcrable imitation thereof, has been applied, exceeds the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, he shall be further liable for the excess of such profit over and above the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars; and the full amount of such lin- 8¤i¢¤· bility may be recovered by the owner of the letters patent, to his own use, in any circuit court of the United States having jurisdiction of the parties, either by action at law or upon a bil! in equity for an injunction to restrain such infringement.