Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/43

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8 FOBTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 27, 28, 29. 1886. constructed under authority of an act to increase the water supply of v01_ 22, P 16B_ Washington City and for other purposes, approved July fifteenth, eight- ` een hundred and eighty-two, the said sum to be subject to all the prov I 23 ,32 visions and restrictions of said act and of the act approved July fifth, °` ’ p'eighteen hundred and eighty-four, making appropriations for the ex~ penses of the Government of the District of Columbia, as to its apportionment and settlement between the United States and the District of Columbia and the refunding thereof. Approved. March 26, 1886. Mar. 29, 1886. CHAP. 28.-An act additional to an act entitled "An act to provide a national ———-—-——-— currency secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circu- Vol. 13, p. 99. lation and redemption thereof,” passed June third, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United gms", of M. States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever the receiver of tional bankto cer- any national bank duly appointed by the Comptroller of the Currency, fig; C°‘3P“'°u°’ and who shall have duly qualified and entered upon the discharge of QM cqgityggfgi his trust, shall find it in his opinion necessary, m order to fully protect in mp,]-ty fo bq and benefit his said trust, to the extent of any and all equities that such whit trust may have in any property, real or personal, by reason of any bond, mortgage, assipment, or other proper legal claim attaching thereto, and which said property is to be sold under any execution, decree of foreclosure, or proper order of any court of jurisdiction, he may certify the facts in the case, together with his opinion as to the value of the property to be sold, and the value of the equity his said trust may have in the same, to the Comptroller of the Currency, together with a request for the right and authority to use and employ so much of the moraeyapf said trust as may be necessary to purchase such property at ` suc e. Appmvd ogg.,.,- S1:0. 2. That such request, if approved by the Comptroller of the rotary ofheuury, Currency, shall be, together with the certificate of facts in the case,

      • 9ii ,1% M 5****] and his recommendation as to the amount of money which, in his judgm °°"°r' ment, should be so used and employed, submitted to the Secretary of

the Treasury, and if the same shall likewise be approved by him, the request shall be by the Comptroller of the Currency allowed, and notice thereof, with copies of the request, certidcate of facts, and indorsement. of approvals, shall be filed with the Treasurer of the United States. Purchase. Sec. 3. That whenever any such request shall be allowed as hereinbefore provided, the said Comptroller of the Currency shall be, and is, empowered to draw upon and from such funds of any such trust as may be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States for the benefit of the bank in interest, to the amount as may berecommended and allowed and for the purpose for which such allowance was made: Pro· Prwm mded, however, That all payments to be made for or on account of the ‘ purchase of any such property and under any such allowance shall be APpm`_“,0fpay_ made by the Comptroller of the Currency direct, with the approval of mann the Secretary of the Treasury, for such purpose only and in such manner as he may determine and order. Approved, March 29, ISS6. .._>¤¤=—¤¤.».·a¤.- N::m’i.£.?r.::*z.:·:r:.;.:t**:t‘:.t,*:::.;'·° mm 0* =‘··· ~¤·*~·* M of ¤—·· M Be it enacted by the Senate and House o R esentatir ' First Nauemu States of America iu_ Congress assemblcd{·The£n)l,i' the Comapgolllfr 2%%: §3g:§cfSg¤:kqpe:, Currency be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to allow the First _mck·i;3m¤;’_uL ixationajd Bank Shaliopeea Minnesota, to increase its capital stock, in acco ance wi exis in laws to an um ‘ - umu anu any uiousanu collars. ’ y S mt °x°°°ding °"° h"" Approved, March 29, 1886.