Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/438

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FORTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 134-136. 1887. 405 upon the premises of the said Strachan and into his dwelling-house, and by means of an embankment having been erected and continued thereon for a long time, in said District of Columbia. Sec. 2. That the judgment rendered in said action, if any shall be Judgment. rendered for the claimant, shall be paid in the same manner as judg-_ ments are paid in said court as now provided by_ law; and one-half of the amount of said judgment shall be charged against the revenues of the District of Columbia. Sec. 3. That the Government hereby waives all rights under the stat- Limitation waivnte of limitations as to his claim. **6- Approved, February 17, 1887. . CHAP. 135.-An act making an appropriation for the establishment and erection Feb. 17, 1887. of a military post near the city of Denver, in the State of Colorado. ————-—-• Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War, be 3*?{%¥°’· (***1*: t and he is hereby authorized and directed -to establish a military post be c's1,;'§l€g'}mg near the city of Denver in the State of Colorado, at some suitable site near. , to be selected by the LieuteuantGeneral of the Army, and approved by him: Provided, That a good and sufficient title, to be approved by the Prvviso. Attorney-General of the United States be iirst made to the United T“°1°· Statesiree of cost of not less than six hundred and forty acres of land in a compact body including the site so selected. Sec. 2. There is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treas- Appropriation. ury not otherwise appropriated. the sum of one hundred thousand dollars to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War in the commencement of the work of constructing the necessary buildings, quarters, barracks and stables for the post to be established under the _ provisions of this act: Provided, That no part of such money shall be P'°'“°· expended until the State of Colorado shall have ceded to the United States jurisdiction over the tract of land which may be selected under the provision of this act. Approved, February 17, 1887. ` CHAP. 136.-An act for the construction of a military telegraph line from Sanford, Feb. 17, 1887. Florida, to Point Jupiter, Florida, and the establishment of a signal station. —·-—-————-—·—·-— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United » States oj America in Congress assembled, That the sum of seventeen thou- Military t o 1o- sand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money gevh *0 **9 2*3*** in the Treasury unappropriated, for the construction of a military tele- ,:;.°::dP;;:for§“ graph line on the eastern coast of the State of Florida from a point at or £q,,_ ’ near Point Jupiter, Florida, to Sanford, Florida, or to the nearest point of railroad communication, and for the establish ment of a station for the Signal station. taking of meteorological observations and the display of stormsignals ' at Point Jupiter; the said line and station to be constructed, maintained, and operated under the direction and control of the Secretary of War, in connection with the establishment of signal and display stations for the observation and report of storms for the beneiit of commerce and agriculture. Approved, February 17, 1887.